Trump left the hospital and walked around the hospital to curse the surprise medical expert: Are you crazy? | International | Newtalk


Yaoshou! Is this a show or crazy? US President Donald Trump was diagnosed with Wuhan pneumonia and unexpectedly wandered a bit away from Walter Reed National Military Medical Center (Walter Reed National Military Medical Center). Bad American medical expert. Dr. James P. Phillips, chief of disaster medicine for emergency medicine at GWU, scolded Trump for being insane. Those who killed the car had to be quarantined for 14 days and even faced infections and death threats.

Trump may be considered the “most disturbed” national leader after contracting Wuhan pneumonia. He posted a video on Twitter on Sunday, saying he wanted to give everyone “a surprise.” He unexpectedly left the hospital in a protective vehicle and turned around for medical treatment. The streets near the center “appear” to accept the cheers of supporters waiting outside the hospital.

CNN criticized that Trump was still wearing a protective mask in the truck, but did not appear to realize the danger and displayed the president’s negotiable demeanor. He seemed incapable of understanding highly infectious and deadly diseases. I don’t know that the severity of this behavior will hurt employees and the after-effects that can be triggered.

Trump mentioned in his video that he has learned a lot since being diagnosed with Wuhan Lung, and also said that he would let people know that “this is something very interesting.” Medical expert Phillips scolded “This is crazy” on Twitter!

Phillips criticized Trump for putting on a show, saying that everyone in the same car with Trump must be quarantined for 14 days. They can get sick or even die. In this political theater, Trump ordered the lives of these people. Exposure to threats. The tweet attracted the attention of 180,000 Internet users. Many netizens followed Trump as “idiot” and “disaster”, and they only wore ordinary black medical masks instead of N95 masks! Others think that this is a “big scam” and that this disaster is a “management failure”.

The White House Correspondents Association also issued a statement criticizing Trump for leaving the hospital without full protective gear as “absurd.” The journalists received no notice and were quite dissatisfied. They insisted that the American people need more information than ever about the president’s health. Report of the real situation.

US President Trump (red circle) was diagnosed with Wuhan pneumonia, but left the hospital in a protective car for a short time and greeted supporters on nearby streets, terrorizing the doctors' vote.  Photo: Obtained from YouTube / Sky News

US President Trump (red circle) was diagnosed with Wuhan pneumonia, but left the hospital in a protective car for a short time and greeted his supporters on nearby streets, terrorizing the doctors’ vote. Photo: Obtained from YouTube / Sky News

Phillips, head of emergency medicine and disaster medicine at GWU in the United States, criticized Trump on Twitter: He was diagnosed with Wuhan pneumonia and left the hospital without authorization, which is fundamentally insane.Figure: Phillips Twitter inverted

Phillips, head of emergency medicine and disaster medicine at GWU in the United States, criticized Trump on Twitter: He was diagnosed with Wuhan pneumonia and left the hospital without authorization, which is fundamentally insane.Figure: Phillips Twitter inverted
