Trump: Joe State’s electoral process is unconstitutional and invalid for the senator’s second round | Georgia | Absentee votes


[La Gran Época, 2 de enero de 2021](Full Report by Epoch Times reporter Zhang Bei) US President Trump (Trump) said Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger (Brad Raffensperger) relaxed State voter signature verification regulations Absentees are unconstitutional and make the state elections on November 3 and the senator’s runoff on January 5 “illegal and invalid.”

On Friday (January 1), Trump tweeted three consecutive tweets, mentioning that Ravensperger signed a Consent Decree with state Democrats in March of last year, thus changing Joe. Voting procedure in the absence of the state.

Trump wrote: “There has been massive corruption in the 2020 election. The number of votes (involved) far exceeds the number of votes we need to win all the swing states (only three of them are enough). But we are talking about This issue. Previously, it should be noted that large-scale, hasty changes in voting procedures, rules, and regulations prior to elections were not made by the state legislature. Therefore, the entire state election is illegal or unconstitutional. “.

Trump went on to say, “Additionally, Joe State’s consent order is unconstitutional, making the state’s 2020 presidential election also illegal and invalid. This also includes the current two rounds of senatorial elections. In Wisconsin, voters (Voting absentee) without running, which also invalidates the election. All of this has not even discussed the millions of false votes cast or manipulated! “

On January 5, current Republican Senators David Perdue and Kelly Loeffler will compete with Democratic challengers Jon Ossoff and Rafael. Raphael Warnock competes. On the 4th, both Trump and People’s Party presidential candidate Joe Biden will go to Joe State to help.

On December 18 of last year, Lin Wood, a well-known American attorney, filed a lawsuit against Secretary of State Joe State Ravenspurger, accusing the state of violating state electoral laws and the United States Constitution in his administration of the second round of the federal senator. “.

He called on the local court to order election officials to perform voter signatures and identity verification in accordance with state law instead of instructions from election officials. The lawsuit also questions the electoral process regarding how, when and where to deliver and open absentee ballots.

The lawsuit reads: “Because the defendant violated the United States Constitution and the election plan of the Joe State Legislature, the runoff is and will be conducted unconstitutionally and must be corrected constitutional”.

Additionally, the security of the voting system for Senator Joe State’s final election has also been questioned.

On Wednesday (December 30), Internet expert and inventor Jovan Hutton Pulitzer (Jovan Hutton Pulitzer) at the Election and Election Fraud Hearings held by the Georgia Senate Judiciary Subcommittee Tell the Senator that your team of hackers entered with success to the voting system for the senator’s second round, with records as evidence; These voting machines were connected to the Internet and the two-way communication occurred in real time.

On Thursday, Pulitzer released a live video, further referring to the finding that “cheap smart TVs made in China with WiFi capabilities are absorbing basically all portable data” alongside the voting machine, which appears to be two-way communication with China. .

Editor in charge: Ye Ziwei #
