Trump hates finding his biggest hobby after betraying and leaving office-International-China Times


After Trump resigns

Almost all American presidents have developed various hobbies after leaving office. After former US President Trump resigned, he initially found a unique hobby, which is revenge.

According to reports from The Guardian and Business Insider, the president of the United States will generally withdraw from public view after leaving the White House, but Trump appears not to be interested in following that convention. He intends to launch a national speech to take revenge against those Republicans who support his impeachment, so that the people no longer support them.

According to sources, in addition to the 10 Republican congressmen who voted in favor of his impeachment in January, Trump has targeted Republican senators who dare to speak in the trial next week and are against him. An anonymous Trump ally said: “I’m sure he will want to make a spin and put all his faces on. However, he also understands that after the overexposure during the general election, everyone already has Trump’s fatigue, so after the Senate impeachment is over, he will choose an appropriate time to attack.

Additionally, Trump has vowed to retaliate against high-profile Republicans who made him lose his re-election, such as Georgia Governor Brian Kemp (Brian Kemp), and House Republican Caucus Speaker Liz, who voted for please accuse him. Liz Cheney and so on.

And some of Trump’s allies insisted on Trumpism in the political circle or began to surround and suppress their enemies. For example, as his loyal ally, Florida Congressman Matt Gaetz has come to Wyoming to encourage everyone to oppose Liz.

As for Arizona, pro-Trump Republicans condemned former U.S. Senator Jeff Flake (Jeff Flake) for turning his back on Biden, Arizona Governor Doug Ducey (Doug Ducey), who insisted that local elections were not corrupt and were refused to support Sichuan. Cindy McCain, widow of the late Senator John McCain.

Although Trump almost disappeared when he launched a second impeachment trial by the House of Representatives Democratic Party, he has since returned to activity. To consolidate his influence, he has never ruled out the possibility of another race for the White House throne in 2024, forcing other Republicans who also intend to participate in the general election to pave the way for the election to be cautious.

Article Source: Donald Trump Adopts A Post-Presidency Hobby: Revenge
文章 來源 : Trump is planning a revenge campaign targeting Republican defectors after the Senate impeachment trial

(Zhongshi News Network)
