Trump finally steps into the White House and admits the new corona epidemic can’t be controlled


The White House chief of staff, Meadows, clearly stated that he would not control the new corona epidemic.

With only 8 days to go before the election, the White House declared with surprise that the United States could not control the rapidly deteriorating pandemic, prompting President Trump to desperately make the last sprint of the election campaign in an effort to reverse. the face of Democratic opponents. Deng’s decline pales in comparison.

According to a CNN News report on the 26th, the statement by White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows on the 25th surprised many medical experts. They said that if the new corona pneumonia epidemic is sweeping, it is like implementing a mass vaccination policy that has caused thousands of deaths.

Yet with the number of recently confirmed diagnoses frequently hitting a record high every day, Trump was busy hanging around on the weekends, publicly mocking measures to slow the spread of the epidemic, such as wearing masks and keeping his distance. social, and complained that all the media are reporting on a “new crown,” new crown, new crown.

“We will not control this pandemic,” Meadows said on CNN’s “State of the Union” talk show on Sunday. “Appropriate mitigating factors, such as treatments and vaccines, must be the top priority.” And Trump gave a push this weekend to build voter confidence, saying the United States is about to wonderfully defeat the new epidemic. of the crown.

The president of the United States, Trump, accepts an exclusive interview with “60 Minutes”

The latest signs show Trump is not stopping, campaigning everywhere to rally supporters, putting politics above the responsibility of caring for the American people, and ignoring epidemic prevention measures to maintain social distance. Severe health data and controversy over the weekend mean the climax of the campaign will be shrouded in the shadow of the new corona pneumonia pandemic. A recent CNN poll showed that 60% of Americans disagree with Trump’s handling of the crisis, and this is the harsh reality he must face.

There is only one week left before the US general elections, but they only start this week. Trump’s national poll support rate is 9-10% below Biden’s. If the polls are correct, your path to re-election will be narrow.

文章 來源 : White House admission on pandemic overshadows Trump’s latest push for reelection

(Zhongshi News Network)
