Trump Complains Republicans Surrendered Without Fighting Election Theft | Joint Conference of Congress | Election fraud | Biden


[La Gran Época 27 de diciembre de 2020](reported Epoch Times reporter Lin Yan) US President Trump (Trump) said on Saturday morning (December 26) that if anyone wants to rob the Democratic presidential candidate They will see the election as a war and they will fight to the death, but they will do nothing when they are replaced by Republicans.

“If the Democratic presidential candidate faces a stolen election and there is evidence that this behavior has reached an unprecedented level, then the Democratic senator will treat it as an act of war and fight to the death.” Trump. He tweeted: “Mitch McConnell and the Republicans did nothing, they just want the election to pass. Give up without a fight!”

Trump tweeted again Saturday night that it is time for Republican senators to increase their time to fight for the presidential seat, just as Democrats would if they really win, because the evidence of voter fraud is irrefutable. .

There are media reports that high-level Republicans are preparing to prevent senators from challenging Electoral College votes on Jan.6. “Capitol Hill” (The Hill) reported on Friday (25) that Senate Majority Leader McConnell will try to prevent Senator-elect, Tommy Tuberville from Alabama, on 1 Day 6 opposed the electoral college votes.

Duberville is currently the only Republican senator who has expressed his intention to contest the electoral votes and has spoken with President Chuan in Mandarin. Another senator from Kentucky, Rand Paul (Rand Paul), also said that he could join the challenge of members of the House of Representatives.

Challenging any state electoral college to vote in a joint meeting of Congress requires that at least one senator and one congressman jointly initiate in writing. If the objections meet the requirements, the joint meeting will be suspended for 2 hours, and the members of the two houses will withdraw to their respective houses to debate and vote on the objections. If the objection ultimately obtains a majority of votes in both houses, it is established and the votes of the contested state electoral college will be invalidated.

Top Republicans Oppose Senators Stand Up To Challenge Election Results

“Capitol Hill” reported Friday that Senate Majority Leader McConnell, Party Whip John Thune and Senate Regulations Committee Chairman Roy Blunt recommended that Republican senators not participate in the Electoral College voting challenge in January.

Senate Republican Leader Whip Thun said the Republican leader will tell Senator Tupperville that the vote to cancel the January Electoral College vote will be futile and politically destructive.

He said: “I hope all senators finally come to the conclusion that this election must end and it is time to move on.”

Former Republican whip John Cornyn said challenging the Electoral College vote was basically starting a motion, but the result was futile.

He said, “I don’t want any senator to decide to do this,” he added, but Republican leaders weren’t sure what would happen in January.

Said, “Everyone here is free.”

Democrats are also pushing Republican congressmen

Trump already met with several Republican congressmen in the West Wing of the White House on the 21st to discuss voter fraud. These congressmen plan to challenge the controversial state that voted for the Democratic candidate and former Vice President Biden when Congress meets on January 6. Votes of the Electoral College.

These Republican congressmen who are ready to challenge electoral college votes are also under pressure from Democrats. Rep. Matt Gaetz, Republican of Florida, tweeted on Saturday (26): “Since 1988, no Republican president has been sworn in without opposition from the Democratic Party. But when the Republicans opposed … the Democrats called us traitors.”

On December 14, Democratic presidential candidate Biden obtained 306 votes in the electoral college nominated by the state government, and Trump obtained 232 electoral votes.

On the same day, seven states voted “alternate votes,” which can be challenged at the joint meeting of Congress on January 6, 2021. The corresponding electoral votes are: Wisconsin (10), Michigan (16 photos), Georgia (16 photos), Pennsylvania (20 photos), Arizona (11 photos), New Mexico (5 photos) and Nevada (6 photos), a total of 84 photos.

Editor in charge: Li Yuan #
