Trump Betrayed Again! Tingchuan News Station Suddenly Changed Its Words “Election Fraud Says No Evidence” -International-China Times News


After confessing to having suffered prolonged support from the Fox News channel since his election in 2016, Trump turned to embrace several far-right American media outlets after the election. These outlets also held to the same lines as Trump and also claimed fraud electoral. Conspiracy theories like the election of Congsheng and Biden by cheating on the voting machines; However, after the parent company that adopted the voting machines in many states in the US election declared that they would file a complaint against these outlets, many far-right outlets have already made it clear. The two-minute statement stated that “there is no evidence to confirm large-scale fraud in voting machines.

According to the New York Times, far-right outlets like “Newsmax” and “One America News Network” have become Trump’s new favorites. They have repeatedly claimed that the US elections were used in many states. Cheating on the Dominion voting system allowed Biden to win in several key states. However, following defamation allegations from Smartmatic, the parent company that developed Dominion, the US media, including “Fox News”, “Extreme News” and “The Same US News Network” have clarified previous reports.

The report noted that on the “Extreme News” news program, the presenter issued a two-minute statement to clarify that the previous report was incorrect. “The previous report on Smartmatic is not true.” Extreme News “aims to clarify here.” “Extreme News” also published a statement on its official website on the 19th, stating that “neither the Dominion voting system nor Smartmatic,” Extreme News “has not found definitive evidence that it is involved in the manipulation of the 2020 elections. “.

“Fox News” and “Fox Business Channel” also corrected previous false allegations about the company through dialogue in the weekend interviews.

Additionally, the Dominion voting system also claimed to sue Sidney Powell, an attorney who has repeatedly accused the voting system of fraud on a large scale. Bauer previously noted that he claimed to have a lot of evidence that the record of the Dominion voting machine tampering was in Germany, and that the voting software used in Georgia and other states was designed under former Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez (Hugo Chávez) . The vote for Trump was transferred to Biden.

文章 來源 : Demand for ‘red slime’ that could sink right-wing media

(Zhongshi News Network)
