Trump Announces Participation in “Historic” Rally on January 6 | Joint Conference of Congress | Electoral votes | Challenge


[Noticias de La Gran Época el 4 de enero de 2021](Reported by Jack Phillips / Zhang Yujie) US President Trump (Trump) said on Sunday morning (January 3) that he will attend Wednesday (January) 6th) rallies and parades. On the 6th, Congress will hold a joint meeting to calculate and certify the voting results of the electoral colleges in each state.

In recent weeks, Trump has repeatedly asked his supporters to participate in the sixth rally.

Trump tweeted around 10:30 am on the 3rd, saying, “I’ll be there (the Jan 6 rally), a historic day!” This is the first time Trump has declared that he will be there.

On January 1, Trump tweeted to confirm part of the rally on the 6th. “At 11 am on January 6, a large-scale protest rally will be held in Washington DC …” Stop the robbery Election “rally!” Trump said, “The scene will be very lively.”

The Washington DC Police Department said that taking into account events such as gatherings, some urban streets will be closed on the 6th. The closed areas are primarily near the National Mall and the White House.

The Washington DC Police Department issued an official statement on January 1 stating: “The restraining order is primarily for public safety considerations. Businesses or residents traveling to and from their residences may enter restricted areas under the premise of guarantee the security”.

The United States Park Police (USPP) confirmed to USA Today that it had approved several requests for rallies and parades.

The department issued a statement on December 30, saying: “For the assembly and procession approved on January 6 and the activities granted by the First Amendment to the constitution, the Park Police will guarantee safety and jointly promise to protect public safety. Resources of the National Park Service “.

The right-wing group “Proud Boys” (Proud Boys) has also announced that it will participate in the January 6 rally, and will wear black as the anarchic communist group “Antifa.”

Enrique Tarrio, president of “Pride Boys”, posted on Parler’s social network, “The number of” Pride Boys “that will participate in the event on January 6 will be a record. Our dress code will change that day … … No the usual black and yellow, if not all black. We will not expose our identities and we will be scattered around downtown Washington DC in small groups. “

Regarding the joint meeting of Congress on January 6, many Republicans in both houses of the Senate have made it clear that they will challenge the electoral votes.

The first challenger was Rep. Mo Brooks (Mo Brooks), followed by at least 50 Rep. The first member of the Senate to confirm the challenge was Josh Hawley. After his statement on Dec. 30, 12 senators followed up this weekend.

If at least one member of the Senate and the House of Representatives each opposes the electoral vote of a certain state, there will be a two-hour debate. Then the Senate and the House of Representatives vote, and if both houses have a majority in favor of the opposition, the electoral vote of the state is null.

Brooks told Fox News on January 3 that the power to challenge electoral votes in Congress is growing.

“The power to oppose voter fraud and election theft is rapidly strengthening,” Brooks said. “The number of parliamentarians supporting the challenge plan is increasing every day.”

Editor in Charge: Gao Jing #
