Trump and his wife test positive and declare self-isolation | Infected | White House Advisor | First lady


[La Gran Época 02 de octubre de 2020](reported Xia Yu, Epoch Times reporter) On Thursday (October 1), multiple sources revealed that White House consultant Hope Hicks had tested the Chinese Communist Party virus (Wuhan Pneumonia) was positive. On Thursday night, US President Trump (Trump) tweeted to confirm that Hicks was infected, then tweeted that he and the first lady tested positive and announced that they would begin the quarantine.

Hicks is an adviser to President Trump. She and President Trump participated in the first presidential debate in Ohio Tuesday night on Air Force One. On Wednesday, she also went to Duluth, Minnesota, to participate in a campaign rally with President Trump.

Trump said on Twitter Thursday night: “Ship Hicks, who has been working hard and didn’t even take a short break, just tested positive for COVID-19. Too bad! The first lady and I are waiting for our test. . As a result. At the same time, we will begin to isolate ourselves! “

Trump later tweeted to confirm that both he and First Lady Melania tested positive for COVID-19 and announced the immediate start of isolation procedures. “Tonight, @FLOTUS and I tested positive for COVID-19. We will begin the isolation and recovery process immediately. We will overcome difficulties together!

In an interview with Fox News, Trump said that Hicks’ test result was positive. She is a hardworking person and often wears a mask.

The president also stated that he and the first lady are often with Hicks.

Bloomberg first reported the news citing an unidentified White House source. The report said that all of the president’s employees wore masks when they boarded him on Marine One. Hicks also wore a mask when flying with Trump this week.

Reuters reported that Hicks had symptoms.

A White House official told CBS News: “The contact (of the relevant person) has been traced and the appropriate notifications and suggestions have been made.”

White House spokesman Judd Deere said in a statement: “The President takes the health and safety of himself and all who work for him very seriously and supports him and the American people.”

“The presidential doctors from the White House Operations team (White House Operations) and the White House Military Office (White House Military Office) work closely together to ensure that all plans and measures within the The White House and during Trump’s trips comply with the CDC In accordance with current epidemic prevention guidelines, the most effective epidemic prevention measures will be taken at the same time, “said Dier.

Hicks is one of the president’s most trusted aides and after serving in the private sector, she returned to the White House earlier this year. Hicks previously served as White House communications director and spokesperson for Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign.

At the White House, Trump and the people around him, including some journalists, are regularly tested for the virus.

Vice President Pence’s spokeswoman Katie Miller also contracted the Chinese Communist virus earlier this year and has now recovered.

Editor in charge: Ye Ziwei #
