Travel agencies increase trend of ‘physical store closings’, accepts 7 stores and 30 stores Xiongshiguan “Consider closing more” -ETtoday


  1. Travel agencies unleashed a wave of “physical store closures.” accepts 7 and Xiongshiguan 30 “Consider closing more” ETtoday
  2. The physical stores of the tourism agencies are closed! The 7 Lions of EasyTravel Gateway “will close one family per week” before the end of the year udn OOPS!
  3. “Industry most affected by the epidemic”! Travel agency launches physical store “closed store tide” @ 东森新闻 CH51 东森新闻 CH51
  4. Lion wants to close 30 stores Wang Wenjie: store closures are the solution to survive
  5. [Solo queda el Servicio Nacional de Viajes]It’s miserable! 48 travel agencies closed and disbanded the Lions and 37 EasyTravel Gateway outlets to survive Taiwan Apple Daily
  6. Go to Google News to see the full report