Trash fish is super arrogant! He invaded the lakes of our country without natural enemies. Fortunately, “2 Deadly Nemesis” | Life | Sanli News Network SETN.COM


Reporter Xu Shuling / Report from Taipei[Publicado el 26/12 15:01 | Actualización 22:30: Nuevo video y audio]

A group of people entered Bihu with bamboo poles, inserted the bamboo poles into the lake, and tied nets one after another, like the protective nets at the head and end of the Jiuqu bridge. What are these people doing? It turned out to be the king of water that has no natural enemies in Taiwan: the rodeo (garbage fish). Today (26), the Taipei City Department of Animal Protection, the Taiwan Native Fish Conservation Association, the Taipei City Public Light Office, Taipei City Councilor Li Jianchang, the Manager of Hubinli’s Office, Chen Youxueli, and 35 volunteers came to Taipei Neihu Bihu Park. The “Great Fight Against Rats in the Water” public welfare activity.

▲ A group of people is holding the “The Great Fight Against Rats in the Water” public welfare activity. (Photo by reporter Xu Shuling)

More than 20 years ago, the aquarium industry introduced garbage fish to clean the aquarium. However, garbage fish were very cute when they were young, only about 0.8 cm when they hatched, but it only takes a year and a half to grow to 42 cm, and the appearance changes. It is tremendously terrible and that is why it has the nickname “alien”, which has caused many owners to abandon them and release them into the lake, thus causing an ecological catastrophe in the water.

▲ Junk fish in Taiwan has seriously harmed our country’s native fish species because they have no natural enemies. (Photo by reporter Xu Shuling)

Zhang Jiahong, an expert from the Taiwan Native Fish Conservation Association, said that junk fish have strong predatory ability and eat all the plants in the water. Fishermen and tourists like to feed birds and fish. When these foods and other nutrients accumulate in the water, they will produce a large amount of algae, once exposed to the sun, there is no help from plants, and the algae absorb a lot of oxygen, resulting in a decrease in the oxygen content in Water. Zhang Jiahong pointed out that the green layer on the surface of Lake Bihu is called “algal bloom”, which is the corpse of green algae that floats on the surface of the water, making it difficult for other fish to survive due to lack of oxygen. But junk fish can breathe with their intestines and don’t need much oxygen. It can survive, so a lot of survival and reproduction.

▲ Experts and volunteers encircled the head and tail of the Jiuqu Bridge with nets, preparing to fish for scrap metal. (Photo by reporter Xu Shuling)

However, although garbage fish have no natural enemies, there are two factors that can lead to their death. Zhang Jiahong noted:When the weather suddenly turns coldThe garbage fish native to South America will die due to the low temperature. However, in the last 20 years, garbage fish have evolved to increasingly adapt to winter and have begun to learn to hide on the ground in water to keep warm; in summer, they become more active due to trash fish. But easily caught by fishermen. Park staff said that in the summer, it only takes a day to catch a bucket full of junk fish. The number is quite alarming.

▲ Garbage fish are active in hot weather. In summer, a bucket full of garbage fish can be caught in just one day. The amount is quite surprising. (Photo by reporter Xu Shuling)

Second, in summer we occasionally see floating carcasses of garbage fish. This is due toBottom sludge will produce toxic biogasGarbage fish are benthic species and will die immediately after inhaling biogas, but the carcass of garbage fish will make the lake stink.

▲ Inappropriate release behavior can cause the extinction of native species, and conservation groups have launched activities to eliminate trash fish. (Photo by reporter Xu Shuling)

Also, many people are curious about whether you can eat junk fish. Zhang Jiahong said that you can eat garbage fish. People in the native place will eat them. They are said to be delicious, but our country will not eat them because the handling method is very cruel and people are not advised to make it themselves. Catch and eat. We are not sure that the water quality of junk fish farming is clean, and we fear that eating it is harmful to the human body.
