Tinglai Pig’s First Legislator Luo Zhiqiang Drowns: I Must Approve Removal


The government opened the importation of pigs. Taipei City Councilor for the Kuomintang Luo Zhiqiang recently conducted a survey. 89% of netizens support the removal of the Tinglai Pig legislator. Luo Zhiqiang specifically named DPP legislator Wu Siyao, referring to him as the Tinglai Pig of Taipei. The first lawmaker said: “Wu Siyao, betray the citizens of Taipei and wait for them to remove you.”

Wu Siyao did not respond to the results of the investigation. Luo Zhiqiang believed that it was right and wrong. The more he responded, the faster he would be kicked out. However, “If Luo Zhiqiang really initiates the elimination of you, you will definitely be eliminated. It is not how powerful Luo Zhiqiang is, but Wu Siyao. Too lightly the anger of the citizens of Taipei.”

Luo Zhiqiang gave 330 speeches in the streets. More than 4,000 Taipei citizens personally voted against importing pigs into Taipei. Some citizens even drowned and said: “Thank you, it is so difficult for us to defend ourselves in the streets.” Food Safety, be sure to block the pork entry with clenbuterol, because I don’t want my kids to eat it! ” Numerous other citizens said they were angry at the DPP opening the pigs, saying the clenbuterol pig was poisonous. It is the DPP that is harmful and it is the DPP that is opening up now.

Wu Siyao, a member of the Legislature of the Taipei City Democratic Progressive Party.  (Image / Excerpt from Wu Siyao Facebook)
Wu Siyao, a member of the Legislature of the Taipei City Democratic Progressive Party. (Photo / taken from Wu Siyao’s Facebook)

The concerns, sadness and anger of the people, Luo Zhiqiang noted, were lawmakers like Wu Siyao who hid in an air-conditioned room to escort Laizhu, who would never listen or understand: “Since she cannot hear, we will use a recall vote. She listened. “As for why Wu Siyao was appointed? Because “unbearable”.

Luo Zhiqiang said that of the three lawmakers from the Taipei Citizens’ Progressive Party, He Zhiwei also knew that “Cai Yan was willing to rape Cai Yan.” In the Central Standing Committee, Tsai Ing-wen was directly reprimanded, and Lai Zhu wanted full control. He also had the citizens of Taipei at his heart; Gao Jiayu also It was revealed in Congress that it was not the Americans who wanted Taiwan to kill pigs, but rather the DPP government took the initiative to flatter and proposed to open the pork with clenbuterol; What about Wu Siyao? When the Legislative Yuan discussed legislation to ban the use of clenbuterol in school lunches, she was the only Taipei regional lawmaker to vote against it. He only had the will of the party in his heart and did not care about the health of the children. He even said that people are afraid of pigs. Everyone was excited. “

The DPP rebuked the KMT for boycotting dirty pig issues. Luo Zhiqiang criticized: “Are Wu Siyao and others in amnesia?” When the DPP was in opposition, the boycott was ten million times more intense than the KMT. Sunflower even ruled out the Legislative Yuan. Tian, ​​and the leader of Sunflower, you are now the undersecretary general of the Democratic Progressive Party with a monthly lead of 90,000. Have you ever seen Wu Siyao go out to condemn him?

Luo Zhiqiang yelled Wu Siyao, and the citizens of Taipei were watching whether they would continue to escort the Laizhu when Congress reviewed it. If the consent vote is still cast, the Laizhu will be released in Taiwan, “that’s when I replaced the citizens of Taipei to mobilize him to expel him” and emphasized: “If I propose to be removed, when he turns one next year, that is, when he resigns, he will become the first legislator to be removed from office in Taipei. “

Wu Siyao, betray the citizens of Taipei. Wait for it to be removed. The day before yesterday, I took a live vote on Facebook. 89% of them voted for the removal of the Tinglai Zhu legislators. I specifically named Wu Siyao. She is from Taipei Tinglai Zhu City. The first legislator, Wu Siyao, did not respond. He was right. The more she responded, the faster she was removed. But he was also wrong because, I want to sue …

Posted by Zhiqiang Luo on Saturday, Nov 28, 2020

(Zhongshi News Network)
