The “Wuhan pneumonia” repeatedly hit New York Governor Trump: how can all the necessary materials come from China! | International | New Headshell Newtalk


Gu Mo whispered:

Gu Mo whispered, “The materials needed are all from China, how could this be the case?” Photo: Posted from Twitter

The pneumonia epidemic in Wuhan has been delayed. The number of diagnoses in the United States has exceeded 700,000. President Trump recently clashed with New York Governor Andrew Cuomo. Cuomo’s press conference on the 17th was halfway there. Trump suddenly voiced his opinion on Twitter. He let Gu Mo spend 20 minutes defending himself, and even said, “The materials needed are all from China, how could this happen?”

New York yesterday held a press conference on this epidemic and Gumo explained the current epidemic in New York, plans to resume work and the challenges it faces. It hopes that the federal government will assist states in testing and funding, because many of the materials used for testing come from China. Without the help of the federal government, the state government cannot obtain these materials.

Gummo noted that the first stage of the anti-epidemic period kept people at home and reduced the infection rate. Although the first stage is not over now, you need to start thinking about resuming work. “Reopening requires a balance between people leaving their homes and public health. This requires the state government to strengthen its detection capabilities, track cases and isolate them.”

Referring to China, Gu Mo said, “The masks we need come from China, the surgical gowns we need come from China, the protective masks we need come from China, and the ventilator we need comes from China. Well, we have passed that stage. ” Now that we have reached a new stage, we need to test the drugs, also from China … how could this happen? “

At the time, a journalist asked, “It appears that the President is also watching this press conference. He tweeted 30 minutes ago that” Governor Gumo should spend more time doing practical things, less time to complain, go out, work, not speak. ” Trump mentioned, “We build thousands of hospital beds for you, you don’t need them at all; We gave him a lot of fan, you should have prepared it yourself, “he also wrote a lot, I wonder how he will respond.”

In response, Gu Mo replied to Trump, “First, if you’re sitting at home watching TV, maybe you should stand up and go to work, right? Second, let’s put emotions and politics aside, because it’s about the people. About our work, let’s try to focus. “

Gumo said he was also grateful to Trump halfway there, saying the federal government-dispatched medical ship is very helpful, and China’s protective gear is very helpful. But he also accused Trump of throwing the test mess at the states: “The president does not want to help with the test.” I don’t want to participate in the test, it is too difficult, too complicated “… I know it is too complicated, too difficult, so we need your explanation”.

“I would say he did enough, but no one did enough. We did not, because (the epidemic) is not over,” said Gu Mo, imitating Trump. “No one can just say thank you, I’m done, I’m gone, I’ll never do it again, my things are done.”

President Trump recently clashed with New York Governor Andrew Cuomo, and the press conference on the 17th was halfway there.

Trump “voiced opinions” on Twitter, allowing Gu Mo to defend himself for 20 minutes and even whispered, “The materials needed are all from China.

Because many of the materials used for testing come from China, the state government cannot obtain these materials without the help of the federal government.

Gu Mo imitated Trump and said:

Gu Mo imitated Trump and said, “No one can just say thank you. I’m done, I’m gone.” Image: Posted from Twitter
