The worker’s father participates in school activities and his wife is not satisfied with his bitter dressing, “you are the dirtiest”, arousing the udn udn OOPS!


  1. Hardworking dad participates in school activities, wife is not satisfied with dressing bad, “you are the dirtiest”, which makes netizens angry udn OOPS!
  2. He raises a family of 4 … The worker’s father attended the parents’ symposium and his wife felt that: You are the dirtiest
  3. He was bombarded by his wife by a dirty net while wearing work clothes to attend the forum – he should be respected by China TV News
  4. Movie / Kaohsiung’s husband turned 110 to report: Someone is sexually assaulting my wife! The police came to the place dumbfounded ETtoday News Cloud
  5. Kaohsiung’s husband reported that “someone sexually assaulted my wife”! The police rushed to the scene with anxiety, all dumbfounded Sanli News
  6. Go to Google News to see the full report