The White House knocked 18 times in 2 months, and Joe State Secretary of State revealed the inside story of the closed doors of Trump-International-China Times


Trump was exposed to calling and pressuring Georgia Secretary of State Raffensperger (Brad Raffensperger) and found enough votes to reject him. The US media also broke up 18 crazy calls from the White House in the past two months, but Raffensperger Grid emphasized that only He picked up the phone on the 2nd because the two parties were in a lawsuit and were not fit to speak.

US President Trump was exposed to calling and pressuring Georgia’s Secretary of State Raffensperger (Brad Raffensperger) to find enough votes to reject him. The US media also broke out 18 crazy calls from the White House in the last two months, but Finsberg emphasized on the 4th that he only picked up the phone on the 2nd because the two parties were in a lawsuit and not fit for the call.

The Washington Post announced on the 3rd that Trump made a phone call to Ravensberg on the 2nd and pressured him to “find out” 11,780 ballots to reverse Joe’s state election results.

The New York Times also cited a source the same day the White House switchboard had called the Ravensburg office 18 times in the past two months, the US political news website “Politico” and the National Broadcasting. Corporation (NBC). He also quoted people familiar with the matter in posting reports.

According to reports from Reuters and “Politico”, Rafinsberger was asked about 18 calls from the White House during an interview on the ABC talk show “Good Morning America” ​​on the 4th, and Whether He Has Ever Spoken with Trump on the phone in the past, Ravensberg emphasized that the second is the first time, emphasizing that “I never think it’s appropriate to talk to him,” but Trump has been lobbying and asking his employees to promote the call, “They gave account. phone. “

He said the two sides are currently in litigation, with Trump’s team suing Joe’s state government. Under this circumstance, staff and lawyers must be present at the dialogue between the two parties at any time, implying that this is because they have not responded to Trump’s call in the past two months. the reason.

Although he is unwilling to speak to the other party during the litigation, he said he and his attorney first got on the phone last Saturday and spoke with Trump’s team. He described Trump speaking most of the time and they just listened. But he made a clear statement and told Trump that the data he had at hand was completely wrong.

In another Politico report, Raffensberg staff also revealed that given Trump’s bad credit history and pressure, they decided to record the contents of this call as evidence for future verification. “This is a history of tampering.” The person of record, “” so if you have different opinions about the content of the call, or no matter how you comment on the Secretary of State, this strong evidence may challenge you. “

Article Source: POLITICAL Playbook: The Backstory of Trump’s Call to Georgia
Article Source: Raffensperger: Trump Could Face Election Summons Inquiry
文章 來源 : Senior Georgia election official says White House pressured him to accept Trump’s call

(Zhongshi News Network)
