The source of the female pilot’s confirmed infection has been found, and two more colleagues have been infected today: Life-China Times News


[Transmisión en vivo]Three New Overseas Moving Cases Added To Command Center | 2020.12.20

Today 3 new cases have been imported. Zhuang Renxiang, a spokesman for the Epidemic Central Command Center, said that 2 of the 3 new cases are related to the case of the 760 female pilots. They are currently defined as aircraft cluster infections and are based on the symptoms of confirmed cases. In chronological order, Case 765 had the earliest start and was on duty as usual on December 12 after experiencing discomfort. He did not wear masks on the plane as necessary, resulting in the infection of Case 760 on the same plane and Case 766 from another Japanese colleague.

The Epidemic Central Command Center today announced (20) 3 new confirmed cases of COVID-19 in China, 2 of them were 760 colleagues (765 cases, 766) announced on December 18, and 1 was a crewman who entered from Indonesia (cases) 767).

The command center noted that Case 765 was a New Zealand man in his 60s. He flew to the United States on November 29 and returned to Taiwan on December 4. On December 12, he traveled to the United States on the same flight as Case 760 and had a cough on board. Symptoms, a home quarantine was carried out after returning to Taiwan on December 15, and contacts for inspection were arranged on December 18. The diagnosis was confirmed today and the serum antibody was also positive. The health unit has listed 8 contacts and has arranged an inspection, 3 people have negative test results and the rest are being examined.

Case 766 is a Japanese man in his 20s who flew to the United States on December 5 and returned to Taiwan on December 7. Case 760 went to the United States on the same flight on December 12 and was placed under home quarantine after returning to Taiwan on December 15. Contact persons were arranged for their review on December 18. She reported having symptoms of cough on December 17 and mild diarrhea on December 19. Today he was diagnosed with negative serum antibodies. The health unit has included 21 contacts and will also organize the quarantine and investigation of the epidemic.

The command center indicated that the number of contacts in case 760 has been cataloged to 60, and 56 people have been tested, of which 2 are positive (cases 765 and 766), 17 are negative and the rest are in proof. As cases 760, 765 and 766 worked on the same flight on December 12, the trips were all in confined spaces, with a prolonged time and part of the time of contact without protection (drinking water, food, etc.), and because case 765 was already on board. Symptoms, Cases 760 and 766 were diagnosed on the aircraft with infection 765, which was an aircraft infection incident.

Case 767 is an Indonesian man in his 40s. He came to work in Taiwan on December 3 and got a negative nucleic acid test 3 days before boarding. He went to the epidemic prevention hotel to be quarantined after entering the country and has no symptoms so far. After the expiration of the quarantine period on December 18, the shipping company organized self-funded inspections and the diagnosis was confirmed today. The health unit has a total of 9 contacts, 8 of whom are members of the crew of the same ship, who are registered in home isolation, and 1 is the driver of the special vehicle for inspection and inspection. Due to the appropriate protective equipment throughout the process, they are classified as independent health management.

According to statistics from the command center, so far, there have been a total of 119,405 notifications related to novel coronavirus pneumonia in China (including 117,361 excluded cases), of which 766 cases were confirmed, 672 cases of overseas immigration, 55 local cases, 36 cases from the Dunmu fleet, 2 cases of aircraft infection and one case unknown; the other case (Case 530) was removed as a blank number. Seven of the confirmed cases died, 627 were rescued from isolation, and 132 were hospitalized in isolation.

(Zhongshi News Network)
