- The rescue / 10,000 rescue case review didn’t check the center of the trash can? Face slap at 3 o’clock in New Taipei City: 1/3 of the first night of the night was dismissed ETtoday News Cloud
- The rescue office was busy until midnight Hou Youyi: I hope the Ministry of Health and Welfare will pay the money after the trial next Monday udn Lianhe News
- I hope that the central and local cooperation funds will be allocated as soon as possible Hou Youyi: local quick receipts will also be filtered initially | Politics
- The Ministry of Health and Welfare once rejected the rescue request in Xinbei Hou Youyi: Su Zhenchang said the central government will review local exemptions ETtoday News Cloud
- Xinbei’s rescue package was rejected by the Ministry of Health and Welfare for 1 hour yesterday Hou Youyi: Received after communication udn Lianhe News
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