The reason for arresting the Czech Republic violates the National Security Law, the spokesman responds by accidentally revealing the coincidence of terror | Apple News | Apple Daily


The firing group submitted a statement of reasons for Huang Jie’s expulsion. The fifth bullet accused her of illegally intervening in the “Hong Kong Violence” to collect supplies, and even violated Article 21 of the National Security Law. Including Huang Jie, people from all walks of life interpreted the strike group to be talking about the Hong Kong version of the “National Security Law” and criticized the strike group for using the Qing sword to cut through the Ming officials. The winning committee pointed out more clearly that there are only 10 articles in the ROC National Security Law. In this regard, Xu Shangxian, the spokesman for the strike, frankly said it was a clerical error and omitted a “-“. What Huang Jie had violated should be Article 2-1 of the Taiwan National Security Law. Interested persons should not spread rumors and defame.

However, “Apple News Network” compared it further and found that except for the difference of just one “-” between the two laws, the intentions are also quite similar, and the focus is on not supporting hostile foreign forces.

Article 2-1 of the Taiwan National Security Law: “People shall not start, finance, host, manipulate, direct or develop organizations for foreign countries, mainland China, Hong Kong, Macao, hostile foreign forces or their people.” Hong Kong version of the National Security Law Article 21: “Whoever incites, assists, instigates or subsidizes others with money or other assets to implement Article 20 of this law (whoever organizes, plans, implements or participates in the implementation of the following acts aimed at dividing the country and undermining national unity) Anyone who commits a crime is a crime. “

According to the fifth point of the explanatory memorandum for the cessation of victory, it is mentioned that Huang Jie’s intervention in the “violent Hong Kong” to increase supplies has a huge impact on national security and has violated Article 21 of the National Security Law. . He also claimed that he has a “double standard attitude towards the CCP”, former mayor Hanguo Yu went to Hong Kong to promote agricultural products. He said she was a pro-China saleswoman from Taiwan and a common passerby from China, but her mother was doing business in Xiamen and criticized Huang Jie as double standards.

However, Taiwan’s “National Security Law” has only 10 articles, and even Huang Jie’s defense has misunderstood that the charge of “violating Article 21 of the Hong Kong National Security Law” is the only basis. possible for all reasons for withdrawal. However, he also replied that Hong Kong, in the last two years, the Hong Kong police have brutally committed people, imprisoned, escaped and even sacrificed their lives to fight for their basic rights.

Huang Jie also responded to this at the retirement public briefing held last week. He also criticized Hong Kong’s National Security Law as a product of authoritarianism. The retirement group in Taiwan is undemocratic in the name of democracy, and stands up to the retirement group and Hong Kong’s version of the National Security Law. Law, “We must not back down, much less bow to totalitarianism.”

Spokesperson Xu Shangxian explained this afternoon:The violation of Article 21 of the National Security Law is a clerical error and the alleged violation of Article 2-1 of the Taiwan National Security Law., Huang Jie once called on Facebook to “increase the protection equipment, the logistics support from Taiwan to Hong Kong.” To lift cans, filter cotton and other materials to be transferred to Hong Kong, is equivalent to starting and funding Hong Kong development organizations.

Chen Chaojian, vice chairman of the Central Election Committee, noted that the full text of Taiwan’s National Security Law contains only ten articles. The reason for the disapproval mentions “Article 21 of the National Security Law”. In terms of order and content, it appears to be similar to the provisions of the “Hong Kong version of the National Security Law”. Similary.

According to “Apple News”, Article 2-1 of the Taiwan National Security Law: “People must not start, finance, host, manipulate, direct or develop organizations for foreign countries, mainland China, Hong Kong, Macao, forces foreign hostiles, or their dispatched persons. 」Regarding Article 21 of the Hong Kong version of the National Security Law, it regulates” Anyone who incites, aids, incites or subsidizes others with money or other property to implement the Article 20 of this law (any person organizes, plans, implements or participates in the implementation of the following with the purpose of dividing the country, undermining the national uniform behavior), it is a crime ”. (Reported by Zhou Zhaoping / Kaohsiung, Local Center)
