The “Paper Art FUN Coupon” will open for registration at 9 o’clock this morning, babies can also register-Mirror Weekly


  1. The “Paper Art FUN Coupon” is open for registration at 9 am this morning. Babies and toddlers can also sign up for Mirror Weekly
  2. “Newest” “Art Fun Coupon 2.0” Open today at 9 o’clock, registration is only for 3 main subjects Dongsen Shimbun CH51
  3. The “Paper Art FUN Coupon” opens at 9 o’clock for questions and answers, the elegant news website
  4. Are you registered? 600 yuan paper coupon for art fun breaks 200,000 people in 3 hours to sign up for UDN United News Network
  5. [Cupón de 600 Yuan Yi FUN]Limited edition berserk! Open for 7 hours, 400,000 people request Taiwan Apple Daily
  6. Go to Google News to see the full report