The old Christmas is here! 10:40 PM via Taipei to wear masks-International-Liberty Times Newsletter


12/24/2020 11:10 PM

The old man from Christmas passed through Taiwan at 10:40 p.m.  (The image is taken from the NORAD Tracking the Old Man website, which was synthesized by this newspaper)

The Christmas old man passed through Taiwan at 10:40 p.m. (The image is taken from the NORAD Tracking the Old Man website, which was synthesized by this newspaper)

First submission 22:05
Update time 23:10

[Instant News / Comprehensive Report]The North American Air Defense Command (NORAD), a military organization formed jointly by the United States and Canada, began posting Santa Claus’ whereabouts on Twitter on Christmas Eve at 7:30 p.m. Taiwan time on the day 24. Santa Claus passed through Taipei at 10:40 at night.

The North American Air Defense Command posted the latest news via the Twitter account “NORAD Tracking Elderly Christmas.” The tweet said that the Christmas Elder has visited the International Space Station, New Zealand, Fiji, Australia, Japan, South Korea, the Great Wall of China and Shanghai today. And so. After passing through Taiwan, continue traveling to the Philippines and other countries in the southeast.

As the Wuhan pneumonia epidemic spreads globally this year, the use of masks has become the focus of global epidemic prevention measures. The North American Air Defense Command tracking website shows that Christmas seniors should wear masks when flying around the world to give gifts. jobs.

“NORAD Tracks the Christmas Elderly” is a public relations service of the North American Air Defense Command. On Christmas Eve 1955, the Colorado Springs newspaper ran an advertisement inviting children to call the Christmas elders, accidentally placing the phone number as the direct line for the Air Defense Command Command Center of North America. But the commander at the time, Harry Shoup, was not angry, but rather made the mistake and asked all the staff to answer the children who called to ask about the current location of Old Christmas.

The North American Air Defense Command noted that Lieutenant General Alain Pelletier will follow the whereabouts of Santa Claus in real time.  (The photo is taken from NORAD's Twitter tracking the Christmas elders)

The North American Air Defense Command noted that Lieutenant General Alain Pelletier will follow the whereabouts of Santa Claus in real time. (The photo is taken from NORAD’s Twitter tracking the Christmas elders)

This matter has become a tradition of the North American Air Defense Command for 65 years. Every year on December 24, it will inform millions of children and families around the world of the last Christmas location of the elderly, so that children can make their dreams come true.

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