The Nobel Prize cannot be spent in 119 years. How did the Nobel Foundation, which is more powerful than Ding Crab, invested in it? -T Kebang


  1. The Nobel Prize cannot be spent in 119 years How did the Nobel Foundation, which is more powerful than Ding Crab, invested? T Kebang
  2. Nobel Prize in Economics, 2 American academics for research into new forms of auction, Yahoo News Innovation Award
  3. 2 American Academics Won the Nobel Prize in Economics for Auction Theory | China Television News 20201012 China Television Corporation
  4. Nobel Prize in Economics Announces Two American Scholars Winners of “Auction Theory” UDN United News Network
  5. Intensive research on auction theory Beauty 2 Scholars won the Nobel Prize in Economics 20201012 PTV Evening News
  6. Go to Google News to see the full report