The more you take drugs to lower your blood sugar, the more you get fat? Doctor: Evaluate reducing or switching medications-Food and Drug Stop Reading-Free Health Net


After taking medication to lower her blood sugar, a Miss Li increased the amount of exercise and combined it with a diet to lose weight, but gained weight. (The photo is taken from Unsplash)

[Reportero Lai Xiaotong / Xinbei Report]After taking medication to lower her blood sugar, Ms. Li increased her physical activity and a diet to lose weight, but gained weight. It turned out that he was hungry due to low blood sugar before mealtime after taking the drug. He had to eat first, which led to an increase in total calorie intake and weight gain. The doctor suggested that the patient could measure his blood sugar level when he is hungry early or feels sick suddenly. If you have hypoglycemia, you should discuss with your doctor whether you should reduce or change the medication.

Huang Shengwei, a metabolism department at Yadong Hospital, said that if patients taking drugs to lower blood sugar reduce their starch intake due to weight loss, but not also reduce blood sugar drugs blood, they can easily lead to hypoglycemia, or even sweating, handshaking, weakness, or even hunger. Dizziness, the patient should return early to the clinic to discuss the dose of the drug and evaluate whether to reduce or change the drug.

Another Mr. Zhang, who has been taking blood sugar lowering drugs for a long time, is often out of work. His schedule is not fixed and the glycated hemoglobin is always above 8 (target value ≦ 6.5). Mr. Zhang said that due to his work, he was unable to determine when he could eat or take the medicine first and wait half an hour to eat, so he often forgets to take the medicine, resulting in poor control of the medicine. Blood glucose.

Huang Shengwei pointed out that some blood sugar drugs need to be taken half an hour before meals, but for patients with frequent changes in their living or work patterns, it is difficult to determine when to eat and it is impossible to wait half an hour after taking the medicine; some people have better effects. Quickly, hypoglycemic symptoms occur within 30 minutes after taking the drug, which is even more dangerous for patients with a heavy workload.

For those who have difficulty controlling mealtime, Huang Shengwei suggested that blood sugar-lowering drugs can be adjusted to take 10 minutes before meals, and can be taken immediately after taking the drug. Let’s take Mr. Zhang as an example. After 3 months of monitoring in this way, the glycated hemoglobin will drop to the target value. If you take the hypoglycemic drug Metformin before meals and it easily causes gastrointestinal upset, you can try taking it within 10 minutes after meals, or eat Take the medication as soon as things are done.

Huang Shengwei mentioned that if a diabetic patient suddenly decreases urine output and feels wheezing for unknown reasons, he should pay attention to whether it is acute kidney injury. Continued use of the drug can cause fatal lactic acidosis. If the appetite is weakened due to illness, metformin will also aggravate the loss of appetite. Patients should return to the clinic early to assess whether to adjust the medication.

After long-term use of blood sugar lowering medications with a weight loss diet and increased exercise, the weight does not decrease but rather increases. Huang Shengwei, a doctor at the Yadong Hospital Metabolism Department, said it is necessary to discuss with the doctor whether to reduce or change the drug. (Provided by Yadong Hospital)

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