The Kuomintang Leader’s Secret In-Party Poll: Jiang Qichen Lost It Three Times | Politics | Sanli News Network SETN.COM


Political Center / Full Report

The Kuomintang plans to re-elect the party chairman in July and August next year. Since the new party chairman has the right to nominate the county and mayor elections in 2022, all parties are actively preparing for battle. The Weekly reported that Jiang Qichen has been in a major leadership crisis recently. There is also a mysterious poll inside showing that former president Zhu Lilun, who has no political stage, has beaten Jiang Qichen more than three times in support of the party leader, showing that Zhu Duck’s rowing strategy has begun. to work.

▲ The re-election of Kuomintang Chairman Jiang Qichen will likely meet the challenge of former Chairman Zhu Lilun. (Photo / Obtained from FB of Jiang Qichen and Zhu Lilun)

Weekly investigation “Mirror Weekly”, since Jiang Qichen took office as party chairman in March, regardless of decision-making mode or leadership style, he has always faced challenges within the party. In particular, the recent cancellation of the anti-Laiyan pig mobilization party. Due to the infection of the Evergreen New Zealand pilots, the Legislative Yuan group of the KMT urgently called a cadre meeting on the 23rd to discuss whether to cancel the 1,000-member encirclement plan. At the meeting, cadres tend to cancel, but No one dared to make a decision on the important matter, so Jiang Qichen had to be notified to attend the meeting in person. In the end, Jiang decided to cancel the mobilization, but it caused dissatisfaction within the party.

People familiar with the matter said the strong resistance anticipated by Blue Camp supporters came to an end. For Li Qianlong, who was in charge of planning and mobilization, it was like “losing people and money.” “The money to mobilize 2,000 people on the tour bus was thrown into the water!” That night, Li directly complained to various blue committees about Jiang Qichen and even reported that he would resign. Furthermore, Jiang Qichen is currently facing the greatest hidden concern that central cadres have gradually faded from the Party Central Committee, including Deputy Secretary General Li Yanxiu, who recently left the Party Central Committee until March to visit his daughter in the United States.

▲ Kuomintang Chairman Jiang Qichen led Kuomintang legislators to explain the 1122 anti-lesbian swine demonstration before the meeting. (Photo by reporter Lin Enru)

According to party sources, this year’s Kaohsiung mayor and chairman in the by-elections, the party’s Central Committee failed to fully coordinate and integrate beforehand, leading to local divisions and unresolved dissatisfaction, and Jiang Shang’s reforms of Organizational reform and line review have not been carried out. Uncertainly, the news reached the media that Li Yanxiu’s plastic microsurgery became the last straw in the central “implosion.”

Recently, a poll conducted by the convenor of the think tank’s internal affairs group, Huang Defu, has even circulated in the party. It shows that in the atmosphere where Laizhu’s issue focuses on the opposition, people are optimistic that Jiang Qichen’s support for the re-election of the party leader is only 18%. Zhu Lilun accounted for 56%, more than triple that of Jiang. The disparity in numbers was too great, which surprised everyone in the match. A blue committee that did not want to be named stated that Jiang Qichen had the courage and determination to undertake great tasks at the most difficult time when the party suffered a major defeat. However, Jiang’s old problem is that his political personality and his decision-making were not decisive enough, which made the game unconvincing.

▲ The Kuomintang plans to re-elect the party chairman in July and August next year. Former President Zhu Lilun dodges water. (Informational photo / Photo by Lin Enru)

In contrast, Zhu Lilun, who has a high degree of support, has continued to dodge the water recently. Through the Silver Light Future Innovation Association that he founded, after creating a theme with Taipei Mayor Ke Wenzhe “Blue and White” recently, he has also contacted local Lanying leaders through the association. Yunlin County Mayor Zhang Lishan, Yilan County Mayor Lin Zimiao, Taitung County Mayor Rao Qingling, Chiayi Mayor Huang Minhui and others, Zhu Jun attended the event on the same stage with them, and they privately visited college campuses to lecture and gather political energy.

However, Zheng Zhaoxin, vice chairman of the Kuomintang Literature and Biography Committee, clarified that think tanks are important units for political parties to conduct research and policy analysis, and that such surveys are impossible. He mentioned that in the past six months, interested individuals have repeatedly posted similar information. In fact, think tanks will not conduct such political polls, leaving others to speak about it. “The political intelligence of the KMT is not that low..”
