The Kuomintang Anti-Leisure Pigs Are Taking Action! Hwang Ji-hyun: Otherwise, it will be Han Yu | Politics | Sanli News Network SETN.COM


Political Center / Full Report

Tsai Ing-wen’s government hopes to open up US pork containing ractopamine (clenbuterol) and relax US beef imports from more than 30 months starting January 1 of next year. This is essential for the importation of Lai pigs, including the “Standard for Animal Drug Residues” 9 This administrative order was approved after a vote by the Legislative Yuan yesterday (24). Both Laizhu and American meat older than 30 months will be officially released on January 1, 2021. In this regard, journalist Huang Zhixian said today that the anti-lesbian Kuomintang pigs are nothing more than a play, and the purpose is to increase the support of the polls. How many of the Kuomintang dared to rebel against the United States? Hong Xiuzhu and Hanguo Yu are lessons to offend the United States!

▲ Huang Jixian believes that Hanguo Yu is a lesson to offend America. (Image / photo data)

Huang Zhixian said that the DPP’s position is unquestionable. Represents the interests of the United States and Japan. He claims to be a pro-American and Chinese Kuomintang. Facing the US conspiracy with the DPP to force Taiwanese to eat pigs, they worked very hard but contradicted themselves. Given that the Kuomintang itself has admitted to being pro-American and Chinese, how many of the Kuomintang dared to rebel against the United States? This anti-Laizhu, but it is only a scene, the purpose is only to increase the support of the poll.

Huang Zhixian believes that the Legislative Yuan voted on Laizhu on December 24. In fact, the result of this vote has been known for a long time. If the DPP has more than half of its members, how to vote and how to win. Therefore, the vote is nothing more than putting pressure on the DPP, exerting maximum pressure. At the same time, in the process, we must demonstrate the evil of the DPP, gather the hearts of people who oppose the DPP, and build trust in the opposition to the DPP. However, before the vote, the Kuomintang, which was supposed to have great activities on the night of December 23 and 24, asking thousands of people to spend the night at the entrance of the Legislative Yuan, said suddenly in the afternoon December 23 that the epidemic was tight. So no more momentum.

Huang Zhixian said that by seeing this announcement, he can only say that indeed the epidemic is a good excuse for the Kuomintang to explain AIT and lead Taiwan’s anti-Laiqi public opinion.

He pointed out that Kuomintang Chairman Jiang Qichen once said firmly in the Central Standing Committee that the position of the Kuomintang is very simple, that is, it supports further deepening cooperation between Taiwan and the United States and strengthens the line “pro United States and China “. Lin Weizhou is the person who proposed and led the Legislative Yuan to approve the two referendums on “Resumption of diplomatic relations between Taiwan and the United States” and “US troops stationed in Taiwan.” He is also the person who advocated for the removal of the word “China” from the Chinese Kuomintang. The continent asphyxiated those who wanted to cut off contacts. Zhu Lilun’s pro-American and Chinese melody is also sung in the cloud. After Lu Xiuyan choked on AIT, the mayors of other counties held in power by the Kuomintang did not respond in unison. Do you understand

Huang Zhixian said that Taiwan is firmly under the control of the United States, politics, the military, the media, the economy and society, and even education, are all controlled by the United States, and people’s feelings as well. they are desperately pro-American. So politicians are betting that Taiwanese are very forgetful and Americans will retaliate. Anyway, there have been no elections in the last two years. When the elections of 2022 and 2024, the Taiwanese long ago forgot about the Laizhu incident, but if they offend the United States now, it will be the United States in the future. How can it be good to take a call and make a mark and retaliate severely? Hong Xiuzhu and Hanguo Yu are lessons to offend the United States!
