The judge sentenced the single mother to death. Sui Tang apologized a day later: Not that he cannot be sentenced to death |


Entertainment Center / Lin Chengyu Report

A single mother surnamed Wu in New Taipei City was suspected of being under stress in her life in February this year. She was strangled and rescued after strangling a couple of children. The New Taipei District Court held a trial recently and found that Wu is unrepentant after the incident, and that she was just cathartic, extremely bad, and annihilated. Human nature, sentenced to death for murder, the whole case can still be appealed. The outcome of this case provoked discussion. Actress Sui Tang immediately criticized him, “These bad penalties are all mild and fatal.” As a result, today (27), he suddenly apologized and “looked at this from another angle.” thing”.

▲ Wu Nu was sentenced to death after strangling her son. (Data photo / Reporter photo You Chenglin)

Sui Tang explained the matter again on Facebook on the 27th. She said: “I totally disagree with the mistakes made by this mother, much less with not being sentenced to death, but I have my own feelings about the writing and perspective of the verdict”. I also hope that the public can explore the reflections behind a tragic event. She is not innocent, but that does not mean that what happened in her previous life is not worth exploring. Everyone is constantly undergoing change over time. How did it go? Have you reached this point? “

▲ Sui Tang disagreed with the judge’s decision yesterday, criticizing “These bad penalties are too light.” (Photo / Obtained from Sui Tang’s Facebook)

Sui Tang mentioned that yesterday he had discussions with friends who had borrowed money from single mothers, and also with other relatives and friends who had different opinions on this matter, “But who is right and who is wrong, I can only hope that everyone can share their opinions. It is up to the court to give the most appropriate judgment. ” He also acknowledged that “to speak based on the content of the news is really unfair, and the full judgment has not yet been published. I’m sorry I was too excited yesterday morning and I have to reflect on it.” I know that discussing this will generate controversy, “but there is room for improvement if there is controversy, and society can improve if the possibility exists.”

▲ Sui Tang apologized for yesterday’s emotional comments. (Photo / Obtained from Sui Tang’s Facebook)

In the end, Sui Tang cited words that seemed close to her: “Understanding the situation and the despair behind the murder of the single mother, and thinking about the cause of the tragedy, does not mean that she has to condemn her ex-husband and his family for not do a good job supporting you, or that you are killing. There is no need to be responsible at all. It does not mean that you cannot see the fear, struggle, confusion and pain before your child’s death, nor does it mean that she he had reason to kill. Understanding does not mean equating with “identity”. I think this is very basic things, I hope everyone understands that the world is not binary, not 0 and 1 “.

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