The global chain! 74 countries, more than 1,700 politicians support Taiwan to participate in WHA | Politics | Sanli News Network SETN.COM


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The World Health Assembly (WHA) will resume today (9), and whether Taiwan can participate in the meeting has become the focus of international attention. Due to Taiwan’s excellent results in preventing epidemics, the world now encompasses Europe, the United States, and Africa. At least 74 countries and more than 1,700 politicians have appointed and supported Taiwan’s participation in the AMS. The United States Mission to the United Nations in Geneva, the American Association in Taiwan, Senator Rubio and Congressman You He also issued statements one after another, calling on the Secretary General of the World Health Organization (WHO), Tan Desai , to invite Taiwan to attend the WHA meeting.

▲ The global statement requested Tan Desai to invite Taiwan to participate in the AMS. (Photo / Obtained from WHO Facebook)

Recently, the United States has actively supported Taiwan’s international involvement. The United States Mission to the United Nations in Geneva fired the first shot on the 6th. It issued a statement asking Tedros to invite Taiwan to attend the resumption of the WHA meeting and encourage the expansion of cooperation with Taiwan. The American Association in Taiwan (AIT) also emphasized on the same day that the United States will strongly support Taiwan’s participation in international organizations, especially the WHO. Since the outbreak of the epidemic, Li Yingjie, Director of AIT, has publicly praised Taiwan’s unprecedented success in preventing epidemics and emphasized the importance of democratic values. .

The United States Congress also unanimously supported the Senate. Rubio publicly asked the WHO to accept Taiwan’s participation in the WHA on the 7th. He believed that Taiwan was facing the second wave of the global epidemic and set a record of 200 days without local infections. He criticized China’s obstruction. Deprive everyone of expertise and threaten global health. You mentioned that Taiwan’s contribution to the epidemic far exceeds the treatment that Taiwan has received at WHA, and emphasized that “it is time to restore Taiwan’s observer status.”

▲ AIT emphasized that the United States will strongly support Taiwan’s participation in international organizations. (Photo / Obtained from AIT Facebook)

In Europe, there is a “Club Formosa” made up of the presidents of the group of friends of the congress from various European countries, which leads 25 countries and 644 parliamentarians from various countries to jointly support Taiwan, including the European Parliament, Great Britain , Germany, France, Italy, Portugal, Slovakia, Sweden and Belgium. Everything inside. The Czech Republic, Poland, Slovakia and Hungary of Central Europe belong to the Group of Four of Central Europe (V4), and the 7 countries of Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia. 106 parliamentarians and politicians also signed letters.

Regarding Latin America, there are 17 Central American parliaments and parliaments with 791 members of Congress, which urge WHO to address the importance and need for Taiwan’s participation in the WHA and WHO, and to show support in the countries and parties, including Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Dominican Republic, Uruguay, Venezuela.

▲ Taiwan’s anti-epidemic performance is outstanding and has received international attention. (Image / photo data)

There are also 29 countries and 181 parliamentarians in Africa. In early November, they jointly established the “Club Formosa” in Africa. Members of the organization also expressed support for Taiwan’s participation in international organizations such as WHO.

In addition, the World Association of Physicians (WMA), made up of more than 10 million doctors from 115 countries, also sent a letter to Tan Desai from the chairman of the Montgomery board of directors on the 4th, asking the WHO to invite Taiwan to attend the next AMS as an observer.

▲ WHA resumes today and whether Taiwan can participate has become the focus of international attention. (Image / Obtained from Twitter)
