The female doctors insist on not having a boyfriend with a monthly salary of 300,000 yuan! Exposure “True Reason” to audience collapse | New | NOWnews Today News


The doctors insist on not dating with a monthly salary of 300,000 yuan! Exposure “True Reason” to audience collapse | New | NOWnews Today News

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The doctors insist on not having a boyfriend with a monthly salary of 300,000 yuan! “True Reason” revealed that the audience collapsed

Editorial Center / General Report

2020-12-28 08:21:13

▲ Netizens shared that her two sisters are doctors and have a monthly income of two to three million yuan, but they insist on not having a boyfriend.  (Diagram / taken from Pixabay)
▲ Netizens shared that her two sisters are doctors and have a monthly income of two to three million yuan, but they insist on not having a boyfriend. (Diagram / taken from Pixabay)

Doctors are a highly paid and high-status profession in most people’s minds. Many people also think that their other half should be very easy to find, because it will reduce the financial problems that couples face when they are dating. However, recently some netizens shared that her two sisters are doctors, but neither of them have boyfriends, the reason was exposed after the exposure.

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The original PO noted in a “Dcard” post that “I have two sisters who are almost ten years older than me. One is a dentist and the other is a Western doctor. They both have an income of 200.3 million yuan in two months.” My friends, but now everyone is single. Although parents verbally indicated that they didn’t care, they repeatedly introduced people to their sisters. Whether they were lawyers, judges or engineers, they all got shot. “

▲ It turns out that the sisters think they are earning enough, if the children earn less than them, it is difficult to depend on them  (Schematic / taken from
▲ It turns out that the sisters think they are earning enough, if the children earn less than them, it is difficult to trust them. (Diagram / taken from Pixabay)

The original PO was very puzzled by this situation, so he asked his sisters why. The sisters said that “the children earn much less than they do, and it is difficult to feel that they can be counted on.” This made him suddenly realize and wonder. “How should a girl with such a high salary choose the other half?” As soon as the post came out, netizens responded, “Sisters, I’m bad for Taiwanese” and “I really want to find something similar, but I don’t want the quality of life to suffer.” , “Then I have to find a doctor, otherwise what should I do?”, “A lawyer or an engineer is fine … Isn’t he handsome enough?”, “Really relevant, there are really many strong women they don’t marry “It’s really more difficult for a capable girl to find a boyfriend” “Give others a chance … Money isn’t everything.” (Editor: Zhang Jiazhe)

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