The crystal heart of the Chinese Communist Party is broken and the Japanese media rectify the name of Xie Changting: Ambassador of Taiwan in Japan | International | Newtalk


Fuji TV's rectification name Hsieh Changting is Taiwan's ambassador to Japan.  Image: taken from Facebook

Fuji TV’s rectification name, Hsieh Changting, is Taiwan’s ambassador to Japan. Image: taken from Facebook

Recently, the relationship between Taiwan and the United States and Japan has become increasingly close. In addition to the successive visits to Taiwan by the Secretary of Health of the United States, Alex Michael Azar II, and the Undersecretary of the Council of State, Keith Krach, the United States Ambassador to the United Nations, Kelly Craft (16). I had lunch with Li Guangzhang, the head of our New York office, and revealed that the United States is pressuring Taiwan to return to the United Nations. After the recent close interaction between Taiwan and the United States, some netizens discovered that the profile of my representative Xiao Meiqin’s personal Twitter account was changed to “Ambassador of Taiwan to the United States (Ambassador of Taiwan to the United States)” an immediate discussion. Some netizens speculated that it was “new developments in Taiwan’s diplomacy” that caused the CCP to scold him in anger. However, Taiwan’s representative in Japan, Hsieh Chang-ting, had previously stated his acceptance of the film from the Fuji TV festival catalog. The Japanese media had already renamed Hsieh Chang-ting as “Taiwan’s ambassador to Japan.” This move may make the CCP’s crystal heart break again.

Although Xiao Meiqin said in Po’s Facebook post: “In recent days, many friends from Taiwan were excited and happy to hear my profile on Twitter. I really can’t bear to disappoint my followers, but I have yet to explain. I speak with US government agencies The official title for the interaction is still very long “Representative, Taipei Economic and Cultural Representation Office.” In Chinese, “Representative, Taipei Economic and Cultural Representation Office.”

Xiao Meiqin candidly said: “After my arrival at the end of July, I have been working hard to contact, communicate and fight for all walks of life. I hope the unfair treatment Taiwan has received in the international arena can be improved. With the joint efforts of colleagues in the representative office, there are a few things. In fact, there has been progress and the United States has treated many of our demands more positively. However, every step is difficult. It is undeniable that the The legal structure of bilateral relations and the US policy framework “One China Policy” still exist. “

But Xiao Meiqin went on to emphasize: “My use of Ambassador on my personal Twitter profile is not the title currently recognized by the US government, but I do not proclaim myself. For all practical purposes, I represent Taiwan in the US. And my actual work has nothing to do with embassies. In contrast, even due to the difficult situation in Taiwan, my workload and frequency of interaction with the US are getting more complicated than the US. Ambassadors from other countries, so ambassador is not only an adjective for my current job, it has actually become a lot of Americans from all walks of life. As my friends call me. “

It is worth noting that Xiao Meiqin and Kelley Currie, the United States Ambassador for Global Women’s Issues, will be on the 30th with “Female Leadership: A country’s obligation to fulfill a resilient future” (Transformative Leadership: The Obligation to a country to fulfill a resilient future). A speech on the subject, showing the international community Taiwan’s achievements in promoting women’s empowerment and gender equality. Xiao Meiqin’s title is Ambassador Xiao Meiqin.

On the other hand, Taiwan’s representative in Japan, Hsieh Chang-ting, posted a post on Facebook earlier, revealing that he was visiting Fuji Television in Odaiba, Tokyo today (24). In recent years, they have been taking photos of Balton, the father of the sewers, and our representative office in Japan is also paying attention to Balton’s planning of the Taipei waterway. There is a coincidence. As soon as you walk through the door in the afternoon, you will see the words “Welcome” on the wall of the TV. And combined with the Barton portrait, it feels more intimate. In the early days of establishing a television company in Taiwan 58 years ago, the Japanese company Fuji Television Company provided assistance and was once a shareholder in Taiwan Television. He has a deep relationship with Taiwan. Former President Lee Teng-hui passed away. Its president, Hieda, came long ago to lament the scene.

However, from the details of the images attached by Hsieh Chang-ting, it is surprisingly discovered that Fuji TV has renamed Hsieh Chang-ting as “Taiwan’s ambassador to Japan”. The United States and Japan have repeatedly shown goodwill toward Taiwan, fearing that the CCP will not be able to sleep at night.

Representative Xiao Meiqin’s personal Twitter account profile was changed to “Taiwanese Ambassador to the US”, which immediately sparked a discussion. Some netizens speculated that it was “the new developments in Taiwan’s diplomacy” that caused the CCP to get angry. However, Taiwan’s representative in Japan, Hsieh Chang-ting, had previously stated his acceptance of the film from the Fuji TV festival catalog. The Japanese media had already renamed Hsieh Chang-ting as “Taiwan’s ambassador to Japan.” This move may make the CCP’s crystal heart break again.
