The Communist Party of China equips soldiers with self-destruct devices. Female soldiers were equipped 7 years ago | Tibet Military Region | Single Soldier Digital Combat System | Border conflict between China and India


[La Gran Época 03 de enero de 2021](Epoch Times reporter Li Jing’s full report) Recently, the Chinese Communist Party army equipped the Tibet Military Region with a “new type of digital combat system for individual soldiers”, which has been hotly discussed as a “bomb human “. . It is said that if the soldiers are injured but do not want to be captured, they can activate the self-destruct device by themselves, and the commander can also activate the self-destruct device remotely. This single-soldier combat system with a self-destruct device was previously equipped in the Shenyang Military Region.

Recently, Xi Jinping signed and issued the recently revised “Army Equipment Regulations”, which is part of the CCP’s “military reform”. According to a CCTV report on December 27, with the advance of “military reform”, many units have issued individual domestically made digital combat systems.

According to the report, the Tibet Military Region has equipped soldiers with a “new type of individual digital combat system,” which includes special forces, ordinary infantry squads, artillery, military aviation and armored forces. Soldiers can identify friend or foe by attaching a multifunctional night vision eyepiece to the helmet.

The command can also locate the name, location and status of each soldier through video and information sent from the soldier’s eyepiece.

What is surprising is that this “new type of digital combat system for individual soldiers” also has a self-destruct device. According to a NetEase report reprinted on on December 27, based on information previously disclosed by China Military Network, if a person is seriously injured but does not want to be captured, activating the self-destruct device will not only protect the dignity of the soldier. but the enemy will not be able to obtain it. Any information about this system.

Another means of self-destruction is the battalion-level command headquarters. According to the report, if the commander finds on the screen that a single soldier is further away from other troops, but cannot contact the single soldier, he will also initiate self-destruction. “This was unimaginable before.”

The People’s Liberation Army Daily of the Communist Party of China reported on this individual digital system equipped by the Shenyang Military Region in September 2012. Regarding the reporter’s question about the system falling into the hands of the “enemy,” the Squad leader Yu Guangjian said, “Don’t worry! This system is not only equipped with a self-destruct device, but also remotely self-destructs.

Furthermore, CCTV News also reported in 2013 that the CCTV female special forces are also equipped with this new type of digital combat system of individual soldiers.

The previous report sparked a heated discussion among netizens. As for the CCP’s behavior that life is like grass, some netizens said that before the American soldiers left, the government prepared a printed surrender letter in more than a dozen languages ​​for each soldier. On the battlefield, once outnumbered, to protect the lives of soldiers, soldiers can hold this letter of surrender and request protection of life in accordance with international practice.

Today, the border area between China and India under the jurisdiction of the Tibet Military Region has become a “powder keg” that can be detonated at any time. Due to its special status, the Tibet Military Region is under the direct leadership of the Headquarters of the Chinese Communist Army.

In June 2020, the largest bloody conflict in 45 years broke out on the China-India border, causing casualties on both sides.

According to Indian media reports, at least 20 people died in India; 43 soldiers died in China. However, the Chinese side has been silent about the number of casualties on its side, and the official Chinese Communist Party media only admitted that it has suffered casualties.

The Wall Street Journal reported that it is unclear how the Indian soldiers died. But a senior military official said some of them were beaten to death by Chinese soldiers with stabbed clubs.

India’s Foreign Ministry issued a statement saying: “China has taken a planned and premeditated action, which directly caused this violence (incident) and victims.”

However, when Chinese Defense Minister Wei Fenghe met with Indian Defense Minister Rajnath Singh in Moscow on September 4, he hoped that the Indian side would not deliberately promote or spread negative information.

However, Indian Prime Minister Modi said that India hopes for peace, but is fully capable of fighting back. Indian soldiers will not die in vain.

According to the Indian media, India has about 200,000 mountain soldiers, of which about 100,000 have been deployed on the China-India border. News broke earlier that India was concentrating its troops towards the China-India border.

Current affairs commentator Shen Zhou believes that the CCP may have a motive for going to war. It is not essentially different from 1962 (the CCP took advantage of the crisis between the United States, the Soviet Union and Cuba to attack India). Both may have to resort to a local war to get rid of the internal and external dilemma of the CCP leaders. However, border military power is not what it used to be, sudden attacks are no longer possible, and the international situation is quite unfavorable. The CCP should not dare to go to war at will.

Editor in Charge: Sun Yun #
