The central bank boosts economic growth this year and next, and China offers tax breaks below 28 nm. Important financial news today | Anue Juheng-Taiwan Stock News


There are seven top priorities for Taiwanese stocks before the market, including the central bank holding interest rates for three consecutive freezes, lifting economic growth this year to 2.58%, raising Chongyue Power’s initial price from up to 15% and China offering a 10-year tax exemption measure for processes below 28 nanometers. It’s major financial news must-see today (18).

The central bank interest rate continues to freeze at the lowest level in history, Yang Jinlong estimates that our economy will recover

The Bank of Taiwan held the fourth quarter meeting of the board of directors and supervisors yesterday (17). After the meeting, he announced that he will keep interest rates unchanged for three consecutive quarters, maintaining the lowest level in history. The discount rate, the interest rate of the guaranteed line of credit and the interest rate of the short-term line of credit are 1.125% and 1.5% respectively AND 3.375%, and the central bank also revised up China’s economic growth rate (GDP) this year at 2.58%, and estimated to be 3.68% next year. Read more…

Central Bank President Yang Jinlong said that Taiwan’s economic performance is very good. The main drive this year comes from external demand, but next year, domestic demand is expected to become the main force of economic growth, and growth will continue to show a “NIKE hook” pattern. Read the full text …

When asked about the exchange rate policy, which is very concerned about the market, Yang Jinlong believes that the recent appreciation of the new Taiwan dollar is “extremely large.” Central bank adjustments cannot be satisfied with all manufacturers. As for being included on the US exchange rate manipulative watch list, Yang Jinlong used US President Trump.The campaign motto is for the US to respond first, noting that each country relies on its own interests, and implies that when there are internal and external pressures, it will stop Taiwan first. Read the full text …

Silicon Liguang’s supply gap widens, Chongyue Electric begins to increase prices by up to 15%, and the upward trend continues until next year.

The leader in silicone manufacturing Dow (DOW-US) recently announced that it will close its factories in Europe and the United States to save costs. However, due to the rapid rebound in demand for consumer electronics, a gap has emerged in the supply of silicone. Chongyue Electronics (3388-TW) The current silicone price increase is confirmed to have reached 10-15%, and the increase may last at least after the Chinese New Year next year. Chongyue Electric will benefit directly from the sales of silicone products, and customers who increase the price of secondary processed products will also pay. There will be great opportunities for price increases. Read the full text …

New Nanmao Capacity Customers Sign Two-Year Agreement to Fully Apply New Price After Increase

Nanmao (8150-TW) has recently actively expanded its production capacity in response to customer needs. Customers have fully contracted for the new production capacity. The supply chain also revealed that the two parties have signed a two-year agreement and that the price is fully applicable to the new price after the October increase. What’s more, not only has the chip market warmed up, but the memory boom has also picked up. According to market reports, Nanmao has officially increased the price of the DRAM package in the fourth quarter. Read the full text …

China announces 10-year duty-free Taiwan factory for processes below 28 nm

The Chinese Ministry of Finance officially announced yesterday (17) that semiconductor companies or projects with IC circuit line widths less than 28 nanometers and operating for more than 15 years will be exempt from corporate income tax from first to first tenth year. It will be implemented on January 1. The outside world believes that China’s offer this time is actually a disguised subsidy, helping local manufacturers gain a price advantage. The pressure on Taiwanese manufacturers has increased. The industry said Taiwanese manufacturers remain competitive in product delivery and quality. Opportunity to break through. Read the full text …

Once again, the Chinese government offered tax-free support measures for the semiconductor industry. In this regard, the domestic semiconductor industry believes that the impact of duty-free measures remains to be seen, and the Chinese government’s subsidy policy has always existed and has not had much of an impact on Taiwanese factories. Competitive performance of manufacturers. Read the full text …

Foreign brokerages are demanding high target prices, but are they taking the opportunity to sell shares and get ahead? Finance management will manage

Lawmaker Wu Bingrui pointed out yesterday in a question to the Finance Committee of the Legislative Yuan (17) that the stock market has been very good recently, but there have also been strange phenomena. It was found that after the foreign brokerage association released the target price for individual shares, it began selling shares, causing people to doubt whether it was a foreign brokerage. FSC President Huang Tianmu said he would pay attention to the way he wanted to get off the bus and check the market behavior. If this situation occurs, you will take care of it. Read more…

The acquisition of Shichuang by Global Crystal “must buy” Lu Mingguang decrypted

Lu Mingguang, founder of Global Crystal (6488-TW) and honorary chairman of Zhongmeijing (5483-TW), said yesterday (17) that the acquisition of Shichuang by Global Crystal said that although the price is high, Si Shichuang falls into the hands of Chinese manufacturers including Global Crystal, Shin-Etsu and Shengko will be injured. After the acquisition of Shichuang, China’s silicon wafer industry will not be able to catch up for at least 10 years. Read the full text …

SK Hynix China Wuxi Plant of SK Hynix China with Strong Demand for 8 Inch Begins Mass Production

The 8-inch production capacity this year is in short supply. South Korea’s SK Hynix System IC (SKHynix System IC) is located in an 8-inch factory in Wuxi, China, and will begin mass production this month to take advantage of business opportunities in the Chinese market. Read the full text …
