The boss leaks the secrets of the sky / warmer tomorrow will change again on Thursday Wu Derong reveals that the weather changes 3 times a week | Life | Sanli News Network SETN.COM


Text / Wu Derong

Sanli quasi-weather ‧ boss reveals secret

This year’s 23rd Typhoon “Krovan” spawned at 2:00 PM on the 20th. In summary, there were only 2 typhoons in the Pacific Northwest prior to July, which is extremely rare. After August, when the number of typhoons is too high, it has gradually approached the climatic average (26). Although the number of generations is almost normal, the number of typhoons invaded this year is 1 (lightning), which is significantly less than the climatic average of 3 to 4, and it only brings a small amount of rain, which is the key to the current water shortage south of Taoyuan.

This morning (20) the number of clouds moving from south to north has increased (left), and there have been rains north of Miaoli, the central mountainous area and Yihua (center). Affected by cold air, the lowest temperature in northern Taiwan was similar to yesterday morning, around 13 degrees (12.9 degrees in Shimen District, New North). In southern Miaoli, due to increased cloud cover and greatly weakened “radiative cooling,” the lowest temperature rose since yesterday morning. At 5 o’clock: about 15 degrees in the middle (14.6 degrees in Qingshui district, Taichung), about 16 degrees in the south (15.8 degrees in Kaohsiung Neimen district), and about 15 degrees in the east (14.7 degrees in Xilin Township, Hualien).

The latest simulation of the European Center for Medium-Term Forecast (ECMWF) model (20 o’clock) shows that the “Northeast Monsoon” will show short-period changes in the coming week, with a total of 3 waves. The current wave and the other 2 waves will be on Thursday morning and next Sunday afternoon, respectively. I arrive; so the cold air is not strong, but the weather is changeable. This (21) day is affected by the “Northeast Monsoon” and medium level water vapor transported to Taiwan from the periphery of the “Kurowang” (right image). There are rains everywhere. The north coast, the north mountains and the northeast are more rainy; the North; The climate in Taiwan is humid and cold, and other areas also get cold during the day. Current flat-earth temperatures in various districts are as follows: 14 to 18 degrees in the north, 15 to 22 degrees in the middle, 16 to 24 degrees in the south, and 15 to 23 degrees in the east.

The latest simulation of the model shows that tomorrow (22) the weather will improve and the temperature will gradually increase, and there is still the possibility of some short-term rain on the eastern side and the eastern half of Taipei. On Wednesday (23) there was a short gap in the first half of the day, and another wave of monsoon from the northeast approached in the afternoon. Water vapor increased and the probability of partial rain in north central China gradually increased. The temperature dropped on the morning of Thursday (24) and the cold air was weaker than the current wave. ; There was some short-term rain north of Hsinchu. On Friday (25), northern Taiwan was cooler and slightly cooler, there were still some short-lived rains in the eastern half, and the northern part gradually improved and the rain zone decreased. From Saturday (26) to next Sunday (27) the first half of the day, sunny and cloudy everywhere, warm and comfortable during the day, cool in the morning and at night. Next Sunday afternoon, the northeast monsoon moves south, and the temperature in northern Taiwan drops and the weather changes.

Image: This (20) morning at 5 o’clock in the image of intensified clouds of infrared tones shows that the number of clouds moving from south to north has increased (image on the left). The 5 o’clock cumulative precipitation map shows that there has been rainfall in northern Miaoli, the central mountainous area, and Yihua (middle map). The latest model from the European Center for Medium-Range Forecasts (ECMWF) (20 o’clock on the 20th) simulated the relative humidity forecast of 700 hPa at 20 o’clock on the 21st, showing that the medium level water vapor carried to Taiwan from the periphery of “Krovan” enveloped the sky over Taiwan (image on the right)).
