The BBC selects the top ten changes in Asia in 2020, Hong Kong police arrested Li Zhiying and the Taiwanese army for the first time on the same marriage list | Apple News Network | Apple Daily


The British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) announced today (24) “The turning point to change Asia in 2020”, reviewing 10 high-profile events in Asia in 2020. The list includes Thai riot police firing water cannons at peaceful protesters , North Korea bombed two Korea Office liaison, Taiwan’s first same-sex couple participated in a joint army wedding, and Hong Kong police arrested One Media founder Li Zhiying on “National Security Law” charges Hong Kong “in August and registered the Hong Kong” Apple Daily “building to be listed. The BBC described this incident. It shocked the whole of Hong Kong.

█200 police officers searched the Apple building “without being seen on the screen”

The BBC described Li Zhiying as a “rebel tycoon” (rogue magnate), a rare businessman in Hong Kong who dared to challenge Beijing to expand his power. “For many Hong Kongers, Li Zhiying is a hero.” Therefore, when Hong Kong’s “Apple Daily” building was searched, the entire city was shocked. He noted that more than 200 policemen and Li Zhiying searched the Apple building and that the live broadcast by an “Apple” reporter from Hong Kong was unprecedented.

The BBC said the arrest is nothing new for Li Zhiying, but this time Li Zhiying was arrested under the Hong Kong version of the national security law and could be sentenced to life in prison. He also mentioned that the Apple building was searched the next morning when Hong Kong citizens lined up to buy Hong Kong at the kiosk. “Apple Daily”, the Hong Kong “Apple” headline that day was “Apple will definitely stay (down)”. At the end of the article, it is also mentioned that Li Zhiying was formally sued for the Hong Kong version of the National Security Law earlier this month and was once chained and detained.

★★★ Related news: Li Zhiying was detained for 20 days and left the court late at night with a guarantee of 10 million Hong Kong dollars

█ Taiwan’s first same-sex couple participated in a joint army wedding.

Other Asian events selected by the BBC came from India, North Korea, Thailand, China, the Philippines and Indonesia. India and Thailand each had two events listed, and the first same-sex couple from Taiwan participated in a joint army wedding.

Our 2020 Army Command’s joint wedding “I love you I love you I love the great man” was held at Army Command on the morning of October 30 this year. A total of 188 couples got married together. In particular, there were two same-sex couples of women. The Army The two grooms, Major Wang Yi and Eighth Army Lieutenant Chen Yingxuan, attended the event with their girlfriends, the two couples still winning the online voting and were blessed by all. Same-sex couples said, “Our love is no different from that of the opposite sex!” I hope more comrades will come to the wedding next year.

★★★ Related news: The first group of same-marriage couples in the army joint wedding: our love is no different from the opposite sex

█ Inflatable rubber duck water cannons are listed

The two incidents in India on the list are scenes of Hindus beating Muslims to death during religious conflicts in February, and scenes of police officers beating elderly Sikhs with their sticks during the protest of the new agricultural law in New Delhi in November.

The two incidents from Thailand on the list involved protest movements that began in the middle of the year, including student leader Panusaya (Panusaya Sithijirawattanakul) at a rally at Hosei University in August, announcing the royal family’s ten demands for reform. At the time, Panusaya described “No one is born noble, some people may be lucky, but no one is born superior.” Panusaya was accused last month by the Thai government of insulting the royal family and, once convicted, can be sentenced to 15 years in prison.

Since then, Thailand has continued to demand real reforms. The ideas displayed by the protesters have repeatedly attracted the attention of foreign media. In November, protesters even took to the streets with large inflatable rubber ducks. Unexpectedly, the police sent carts with water cannons and fired water cannons, and the rubber ducks turned into demonstrations. A tool to defend against water cannons Some protesters said that rubber ducks are more effective than umbrellas.

█ North Korea blows up the Liaison Office between the two Koreas and peace on the peninsula is a “sinister turning point”

In June this year, North Korea suddenly bombed the North Korea-South Liaison Office in Kaesong over discontent with North Korean defectors who were distributing leaflets to North Korea. The office was only established after negotiations between North and South Korea in 2018 to establish a direct communication channel between the two Koreas. The office fell. Symbolizing the stalemate in the peace process on the peninsula, the BBC even referred to the incident as a “sinister turning point” for the two countries.

Furthermore, the Wuhan pneumonia epidemic has ravaged the world this year. However, in Wuhan, China, where the epidemic first broke out, Wufei’s cases were generally under control during the summer holidays. There were even pools for parties. People did not wear masks and did not maintain social distance to play in the water. .

The last two incidents on the list include a mother in the Philippines who gave birth to a daughter while in custody. Government officials took the girl away a month later and she died shortly thereafter, raising public concern for the rights of pregnant women in custody; Komodo Island, Indonesia The Komodo dragon was photographed in front of a construction truck, which made the development of Komodo Island more controversial. (International Center / Full Report of Foreign Telegraphs)

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