The 20-year-old won the top prize of 200 million! 5 years “more than 20,000 restaurants” has a super splendid ending | New | NOWnews Today News


The 20-year-old won the top prize of 200 million! 5 years “more than 20,000 restaurants” has a super splendid ending | New | NOWnews Today News

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The 20-year-old won the first prize of 200 million! 5 years of “more than 20,000 restaurants” has a magnificent ending

Editorial Center / General Report

2020-12-24 11:13:24

▲ A man in the United States saw a series of numbers on a TV show a few days ago, which made it quite unforgettable, so he bought 160 lottery coupons.  Unexpectedly, he actually won the jackpot and went home with 23 million yuan.  (Diagram / taken from Pixabay)
▲ A 20-year-old man in Japan was lucky enough to win a lottery prize of 200 million yen (approximately NT $ 54.49 million), but he took all the prize money to eat. (Diagram / taken from Pixabay)

Many people often hope to buy lottery tickets to win the jackpot and make their dream of getting rich overnight come true. However, there is a 20-year-old man in Japan who was lucky enough to win a lottery prize of 200 million yen (about NT $ 54.49 million), but did not tell anyone that he would spend all the money on 5 years and left it. Surprisingly, he took the bonus of eating good food.

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According to a comprehensive Japanese media report, 41-year-old “Lai Sui”, who has the title of “Genius Gourmet” in Japan, published the food review book “The King of Gourmet” in 2004, listing hundreds of Western restaurants. high level. , Cai Cai, with the huge sales of this book, also became famous. Recently, Qi Yui was invited to appear on the TV show “じ っ く り 闻 い タ ロ ウ”. He also revealed where the money to eat at the restaurant came from. He revealed that he was born into a normal family and that eating expenses are pocket money given by his parents. But once when he visited Tokyo, he thought he was in his early 20s and bought a lottery ticket to commemorate him. He did not expect to win the first prize of 200 million yen (about NT $ 55.1 million).

When Xia Qiyi couldn’t believe it and went to the bank to redeem the voucher, the employee also told her that she should use the money correctly, but she decided to hide the profit, even her parents didn’t know. Then they will take the money to eat everywhere. After 5 years, Lai Sui finally “eats” the bond, leaving only 2 million yen (about NT $ 540,000) in deposits in Tokyo 5 years ago. ), the surprising thing is that in the last 5 years, he has gone to more than 20,000 restaurants to enjoy food.

▲ Kaisu Yui spent all her bonuses on eating.  (Schematic / Inverted from Pixabay)
▲ Kaisu Yui spent all her bonuses on eating. (Schematic / Inverted from Pixabay)

Lai Sui said that at that time he could eat up to 10 kg of food a day and published a gourmet book five years later. However, because he has been consuming high-end ingredients for many years, he understands that “the best food is actually the simplest cooking method with fresh ingredients.” Therefore, the desire for food has been paralyzed. In the end, he also revealed that he opened a French restaurant in the high-end area of ​​Shibuya, Tokyo with his only money, and only sells “individual dishes.” All dishes are seasoned with water and salt, but they are deeply affected. Loved by old gluttons and received super high marks. (Editor: Chen Yayun)

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