[Tang Qing observando temas de actualidad]Has the United States Become Hong Kong’s Second? Hebei Pandemic in Emergency | United States Congress | Holly


[La Gran Época del 7 de enero de 2021]Hello everyone! Welcome to Tang Qing for current affairs. Today, the crowds have overwhelmed the multiple warning lines of the United States Congress. The people occupied Congress and demanded justice in the elections, forcing the ceremonies to certify Biden’s election to be suspended. This is rare in history. Nobody thought that the United States would become the second Hong Kong? What happens to this world?

At dawn on the 6th, a large number of Trump supporters demonstrated in various places in the US capital. President Trump also appeared to give a speech. He told cheering supporters that he would never admit that he would never admit that he was defeated by his Democratic opponents in the 2020 presidential election. Den, and again accused the election of large-scale fraud.

At 1 pm, the United States Congress called a joint meeting to certify the results of the electoral college votes in the presidential elections of several states. The results of the Arizona elections were the first to be questioned.

Around 2:30 p.m., protesters from outside Congress stormed Congress, the certification process was disrupted, members were evacuated, and the Capitol was blocked. During the chaos, a protester was shot on Capitol Hill and died.

President Trump called for opposition to violence, peacekeeping and instructed the Virginia National Guard to rush to the capital. Then Trump released a video asking protesters to go home.

The curfew began at 6 p.m. in Washington DC, the police cleared the place, the crowd dispersed, and Congress continued to verify the election results at 8 p.m.

Twitter today deleted three tweets from Trump and warned that Trump’s account could be permanently suspended.

The deleted tweets, including a video tweet asking followers to go home. This tweet is still very moving. He said: “I know your pain, I know your pain, our election was stolen, we won the election overwhelmingly, everyone knows it, especially the other faction.

“But you should go home. We want peace, law and order, and we don’t want to see anyone hurt.”

“This is a fraudulent election, but we cannot fall into the trap of those people. We want peace.”

“I know your mood, but go home, go home in peace.”

Trump also said Vice President Pence lacked “the courage” to do what should be done, and this tweet was also deleted. The relationship between Trump and Pence also froze this time.

Earlier today, Pence declared before the joint meeting of Congress that he has no power to make decisions about electoral votes. His identity is nothing more than “ceremonial”.

The division and repression of supporters of the popularization of Sichuan by the communist forces

Today’s events deal another blow to President Trump. All walks of life condemned violent incidents. Leftists rallied, divided the Trump team, and claimed to be the work of Trump supporters. But I saw the “Washington Times” report that Antifa was mixed in with the protest crowd that stormed Congress.

It is conceivable that after today, Communist forces infiltrating the United States will cause various forces to oppose Trump and his proxies, suppress and divide them further.

President Trump did not have the last fight today, as people expected, with a murder weapon that can defeat the enemy. Therefore, Biden is expected to take the stage next, unless a miracle appears, it will be difficult for Trump to return.

With that said, I would like to give an overview. Those who have always been great things, when faced with the forces of evil, must have the means of thunder to defeat evil. I think of Tang Taizong’s Xuanwumen incident. After being framed by his brother many times and fed poison, he survived a catastrophe. If Tang Taizong did not take action and annihilated Li Jiancheng and Li Yuanji, there may not be a great Tang dynasty in Chinese history. Ming Chengzu Zhu Di was repeatedly chased by his nephew when he was emperor. In the end, he pretended to be crazy and couldn’t escape the catastrophe. He had to rebel and finally created a flourishing era of eternal happiness.

It is a pity that President Trump knew that the election results were stolen and that he had won, but he did not have such wisdom and means. What he faced was the most evil communist force in history.

Stick to justice and conscience in your heart

I would also like to say that heroes are not judged on success or failure, and the most important thing is to keep a conscience straight in the heart.

Xiang Yu, the lord of Western Chu, although he was defeated and died, is still the lord of all ages in people’s minds. Over a thousand years later, Li Qingzhao, a poet from the Northern Song dynasty, still yearned for his integrity:

“Life is a teacher and death is also a ghost. Until now, thinking of Xiang Yu, he refuses to cross Jiangdong.”

Except for the last battle, Xiang Yu never lost a battle in his life. When Chu and Han fought, Xiang Yu defeated Liu Bang many times, but he eventually lost to Private Han Xin and was defeated by Gaixia. Xiang Yu led eight hundred people to Wujiang.

Wujiangting drove a small boat to pick up Xiang Yu. He said that although Jiangdong is small, there are thousands of kilometers away and there are hundreds of thousands of people, enough to be king. The pavilion expected Xiang Yu to cross the river quickly. The front is Dajiang, and behind are soldiers chasing. When life and death are at stake, Xiang Yu smiled and said to the pavilion: “God wants me to die, what should I do to cross the river?” This is the overbearing and magnanimous unwillingness to cross Jiangdong and the fearless life and death.

Although Yue Fei, a famous general of the Northern Song dynasty, was assassinated by traitorous officials and his great cause of the Northern Expedition was unsuccessful, his loyalty has been passed down through the centuries, and the people who killed him always they will kneel in front of his grave. They are Qin Hui and his wife.

The media and left-wing politicians have started aggressively attacking Trump, Cruz, Holly and others, and any malicious words have come out. It is conceivable that Trump supporters are also facing a difficult period. But I believe that there is nothing wrong with keeping justice and conscience at heart, and history will prove it eventually. Holly continued to challenge the Electoral College in the Senate, fighting alone, although tens of thousands of people have left, there is nothing wrong with using this phrase in him. This type of hero is worthy of admiration.

If Bi comes to power and Trump loses, it will also have a great impact on the world situation. The CCP took the opportunity to arrest people in Hong Kong. Today, he arrested more than 50 people, which is very arrogant. The defeat of Trump, the rise of communism, the CCP believes it has won a great victory. If Trump loses the election, the summary of his lesson is that he was defeated by the siege of communism at home and abroad. However, the CCP is also facing a crisis of overwhelming attention: the current new coronavirus is one. We turn to analyze the situation in China.

Hebei Province instantly became the worst affected area

Hebei Province instantly became the worst affected area. According to official reports, 120 new cases of infection were added last day and another 100 cases were confirmed in the previous four days. The entire Hebei province has entered a state of war. The provincial capital, Shijiazhuang, has entered a semi-blocked state as a “high-risk zone,” including the recent disruption of external traffic on land and air routes. All communities and rural areas of the city have implemented a closed loop control and strict control of aggregation. Activities, a large number of outsiders were trapped in the city.

An informant from the Hebei Provincial Epidemic Prevention and Control Headquarters told foreign media that the number of infection cases has increased exponentially in the past four days and that the source of the infection has not been found, so that the city can only be closed for nucleic acid detection.

This epidemic has seriously affected life, work and studies.

Many citizens rushed to the supermarket to buy basic necessities, and the vegetables and rice noodle oil in the supermarket and the vegetable market were sold out.

Many citizens left the city overnight, but vehicles registered in Shijiazhuang, Hebei were unable to pass through Beijing. Also, Shijiazhuang trains can no longer enter Beijing.

Everyone knows that Hebei locks up Beijing, so Beijing is quite nervous.

On the night of January 5, a recording of an internal meeting of the Beijing Housing and Urban-Rural Development Committee was shown, which reported on the deployment of epidemic prevention. During the meeting, officials said that 1/3 of the workforce and 1/6 of the assets in Beijing came from Hebei, and the lives of the two are closely linked.

The possibility of the epidemic spreading to Beijing is magnified. Therefore, they are about to start a battle to defend Beijing.

Not only is the epidemic raging in China, but also in other parts of the world. Everyone should be careful and take precautions.

That’s it for today’s show. Thanks for your attention!

Production team of “Tang Qing Watching Current Events”

Editor in charge: Li Hao #
