Taking the women’s group to visit Apachila is a failure to fight for a lifetime salary and lose 10 million yuan-Society-China Times News


The former 601st Army Special Aviation Division brigade attacked Lao Naicheng, the deputy captain of the second combat team, for taking his wife and artist Li Qianrong to the camp to visit the AH-64 Apache helicopter. He was reinstated and his retirement application was approved in 2018, but the Ministry of National Defense approved that his seniority be only on July 7, 2019, which did not reach the 20-year threshold to receive life benefits. Lao Naicheng was dissatisfied and filed an administrative claim for reparation. The Supreme Administrative Court determined that the punishment was correct and rejected it. Lao determined that he could not receive tens of millions of compensation for life.

Lao Naicheng was dismissed by the army on the eve of the expiration of the two-year sentence. The Army stated at the time that Lao Nairen had to go to the United States to receive reload training for Apache attack helicopters, and the period of service must be extended by 2 years according to regulations. Therefore, Lao requested its retirement in 2017 and it came into effect on October 9 of that year.

However, the Ministry of National Defense calculated that from the date of graduation from the official school until the day of resignation, the Ministry of National Defense calculated the length of service on July 7 and 19 and determined that he did not comply with the ” Regulations on the Service of Military Officers and Non-commissioned Officers “. The conditions for the payment of retirement are only approved based on seniority. According to Lao Naicheng’s class of lieutenant colonel, he can currently receive at least more than 50,000 yuan a month for life.

Lao Naicheng dissatisfied, thinking that the period of two years and June of studying at the Military Academy should be equivalent to one year of service, in addition to that he has regained his military status after the expiration of the off-duty period and only applied for retirement after a year. The total seniority must be added for 2 years, which is July 7 and 21, which is eligible for monthly reimbursement.

However, the court held that Lao Nai did not actually serve in the service during his studies and did not apply for reinstatement after the expiration of his leave of absence, and could not be counted as his “years of active service”. The Ministry of National Defense determined that he was correct and rejected his claim.

On March 29, 2015, Lao Naicheng’s wife, Qiu Yajing, recruited Li Qianrong and others to form an Apache delegation under the name “Experience the American Soldier’s Journey for Free.” A group of 28 people went to visit the 601st Brigade of the Army.

On the same day, Li Qianrong logged on to Facebook and posted photos of waving arms akimbo and boarding the cockpit in front of the Apache helicopter, sparking much discussion. Li Qianrong was nicknamed the “Queen of Apache” and “You who pulled the stars”, Tao Jian also divided the investigation.

Taojian believes that the Ministry of National Defense has responded that the 601st brigade station is not a strong fortress defined by the Fortress Fortress Zone Law. Apache helicopters, flight helmets, hangars, etc. have not been approved as military or defense secrets; The United States also wrote and noted. The cockpit configuration and appearance of the aircraft taken by Li Qianrong and others are not classified, so they were not processed on August 21, 2015.

Tao Jian referred the case to the Supreme People’s Prosecutor’s Office for investigation. The investigation by the Supreme People’s Prosecutor’s Office concluded in April 2016. It was the same opinion as Tao Jian. The Apache bodies taken by Lao Naicheng, Li Qianrong and others were determined to be unclassified. Due to the lack of guilt, 15 Jiang Lao and Li did not prosecute a second time. The case was rejected by the Supreme Public Prosecutor’s Office to the Supreme Public Prosecutor’s Office for reconsideration, and the case was resolved without prosecution.

(Zhongshi News Network)
