Taiwan Local Diagnosis Reappears! Wangshen’s Solution “771 Saves Country” Reveals Shocking Analysis | life | NOWnews today news


Taiwan Local Diagnosis Reappears! Wangshen’s Solution “771 Saves Country” Reveals Shocking Analysis | life | NOWnews today news

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Taiwan Local Diagnosis Reappears! Netshen’s Solution “Case 771 Saves the Nation” Reveals Shocking Analysis

Editorial Center / General Report

2020-12-23 11:23:00

▲ The Central Epidemic Epidemic Command Center held a press conference to explain the latest epidemic.  (Photo / provided by the command center)
▲ The Epidemic Central Command Center announced on the 22nd that a new confirmed local case (Case 711) was infected due to contact with a New Zealand pilot (Case 765) The relationship between the two has attracted the attention of the outside world. However, some netizens believe that “771 has saved the country from Taiwan.” (Photo / provided by the command center)

Taiwan has broken the record for zero confirmed local cases for 253 consecutive days. The Central Epidemic Command Center announced yesterday (22) that a new confirmed local case (Case 771) was infected due to contact with the New Zealand pilot in Case 765. Two people The relationship immediately aroused outside attention. However, some netizens posted an article on PTT with the topic “771 has saved the country from Taiwan”, which sparked a heated discussion on the Internet.

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The Epidemic Central Command Center announced on the 22nd that 3 new foreign migrants and 1 local confirmed case were added. Among them, the local confirmed case (case 771) was friends with case 765 of the foreign pilot from New Zealand. The command center also announced the New Zealand aircraft Traces of the division’s activities, including from 11:30 to 12:30 on December 8 Shin Kong Mitsukoshi Taipei Tianmu Store, December 10 18:30 to 19:30 Far East Sogo Store Taipei Tianmu, December 11 11:30 am At 12 o’clock Costco Nankan Store. People who have been active in the past time and place must monitor their own health. If you have a fever, respiratory symptoms, or an abnormal odor and taste before December 25, go to the designated community inspection center to be evaluated by a doctor.

▲ The command center announced the traces of the New Zealand 765 foreign pilot. (Photo / provided by the command center)
▲ The command center announced the traces of the New Zealand 765 foreign pilot. (Photo / provided by the command center)

In this regard, a netizen posted on the PTT Gossip Board, saying he was puzzled why so many people have been bombing the 711 case: “But have you ever thought about it? If it weren’t for 771 that sacrificed your own health and tied to 765 to death., so 765 has no time to walk. ” He believes there is currently only one local case, and case 771 should be given the utmost respect. “Has 771 saved the Taiwanese health gossip?”

As soon as the publication came to light, netizens generated heated discussions: “It makes sense, a Chinese teacher is better than a group of Chinese students”, “It seems reasonable”, “It seems to make sense”, “It is true that the merit is greater than demerit “,” Sacrifice the ego “; but there are also different opinions, “771 is also infected, what is the difference between walking and walking”, “Is it only 771? And the branches of 771 with open branches and leaves?”

Since case 765 was revealed to have a wife and son in Japan, netizens heatedly discussed the identity of “Guangda Girl” in case 771. In response, Caiping Hu, the beauty of the financial network, issued a clarification saying that she received a message from a colleague of an employee who was diagnosed in Case 711, noting that the relationship between Case 771 and the pilot was “just ordinary friends,” and colleagues were also concerned that they would face Case 711, which may be due to an illness. The double hit of “illness + rumors” caused depression. (Editor: Chen Yayun)

※ 【NOWnews Today News】 reminds you:
In response to the new corona pneumonia epidemic, the Department of Disease Control has continued to strengthen epidemic surveillance and border control measures. If you have a fever, cough and other symptoms after entering the country, call “1922“Dedicated line, or”0800-001922And wear a mask as instructed to seek medical treatment as soon as possible, while proactively reporting travel history and contact history to the doctor to facilitate timely diagnosis and notification.

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