Taiwan Local Case “Should New Year’s Eve Activities Be Canceled” Reappears – Villagers Cry for Truth | Life | NOWnews Today News


Taiwan Local Case “Should New Year’s Eve Activities Be Canceled” Reappears – Villagers Cry for Truth | Life | NOWnews Today News

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Taiwan Local Case “Should New Year’s Eve Activities Be Canceled” Reappears Villagers Shout for Truth

Editorial Center / General Report

2020-12-22 16:05:00

▲ The Epidemic Central Command Center held a temporary press conference today (17).  Commander Chen Shizhong also responded to Laizhu's dispute.  (Photo / provided by the command center)
▲ Should all New Year’s Eve activities in Taipei be canceled? The villagers vomit. (Diagram / provided by command center)

The Epidemic Central Command Center today announced a new domestic case of COVID-19 (Case 771), whose source of infection was a friend of New Zealand’s foreign pilot case 765, which also allowed Taiwan to resolve 253 consecutive days with 0 cases confirmed locations. In this sense, many netizens flocked to PTT to start a discussion. Some villagers were curious to ask, “Would it be reasonable to cancel all New Year’s Eve activities in Taipei?”

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Commander Chen Shizhong announced a new case in China this afternoon. Case 771 is a friend (a woman in her 30s) of the New Zealand foreign pilot. Case 765 announced on December 20 of this year. He said that he could not recall the exact history of activities due to the 765 epidemic. And he did not mention having had contact with Case 771. On December 21, the police department investigated the activity trace of Case 765 and found that Case 765 had close contacts with Case 771 from December 7 to 12, for which he was listed as a contact person. That same day, the health unit ordered an inspection and today the diagnosis was confirmed. A close investigation by health and police authorities found that the case had a history of activities in many public places during the aforementioned period, including from 11:30 to 12:30 on December 8, the Shinkong Mitsukoshi Taipei Tianmu store and 10th of December. 18:30 to 19:30, Far East Sogo Taipei Tianmu Store and Costco Nankan Store from 11-12 on December 11. People who have been active in the past time and place must monitor their own health. If you have a fever, respiratory symptoms, or an abnormal odor and taste before December 25, go to the designated community inspection center to be evaluated by a doctor.

The former PO said, “The minister just came out to announce the heavy news. The locations listed are all popular shopping malls with a lot of people. The director of North North Key Tao should address this matter strictly in the same direction,” and said ” Should it be very reasonable for Greater Taipei to be canceled throughout New Year’s Eve, and should it be in response to the anti-epidemic measures implemented beforehand?

▲ Should all New Year's Eve activities in Taipei be canceled?  The villagers vomit.  (Image / Obtained from PTT)
▲ Should all New Year’s Eve activities in Taipei be canceled? The villagers vomit. (Image / Obtained from PTT)

As soon as the post came out, there was a heated discussion. Most netizens agreed that “it is more reasonable to cancel all of Taiwan”, “watch 101 fireworks online”, “support cancellation”, “reasonable, Shishen should announce it domineeringly”, “If it should be banned , Ban it! “” It should be canceled. I feel there will be a lot of uncertainties. It is safer to cancel directly. “” Support all big New Year’s Eve gatherings in Taiwan are canceled. Switch to live streaming online. ” outside”.

In response to this, some netizens also responded to the post, pointing out that the rule announced by the Taipei Municipal Bureau of Observation and Communication was that the city government set the tone. If there is an unknown case of local infection, the New Year’s Eve party will be switched to online streaming; if the local case is weekly Increased to 15 cases, the event can be canceled. (Publisher: Lai Yongjing)

※ 【NOWnews Today News】 reminds you:
In response to the new corona pneumonia epidemic, the Department of Disease Control has continued to strengthen surveillance of the epidemic and border control measures. If you have a fever, cough and other symptoms after entering the country, call “1922“Dedicated line, or”0800-001922And wear a mask as instructed to see a doctor as soon as possible while actively informing the doctor about travel history and contact history to facilitate timely diagnosis and notification.

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