“Tainan’s Temperature Changes In The Last 24 Hours” Revealed! Shouting From The Net: How I Feel After Tomorrow | Life | NOWnews Today News


“Tainan’s Temperature Changes In The Last 24 Hours” Revealed! Shouting From The Net: How I Feel After Tomorrow | Life | NOWnews Today News

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Editorial Center / General Report

2020-12-30 09:37:05

20160310 rainy weather map cold cold weather
▲ Meteorology Director Zheng Mingdian said cold air reached Tainan around 4:30 this morning. He also published a “Map of temperature change of Tainan in the last 24 hours”. After watching it, netizens couldn’t help but exclaim, “How will you feel after tomorrow?” (Photo / data photo from NOWnews)

The cold snap is really here! I wake up early in the morning, I think everyone feels that today (30) the front of the sun passes and the cold current is moving rapidly to the south, the temperature in various places has dropped significantly, and there is a tendency to cool down later. Central Meteorological Director Zheng Mingdian said that this wave of cold current is felt throughout Taiwan. Cold air reached Tainan around 4:30 this morning. He posted a “Tainan temperature change chart in the last 24 hours”, and many netizens couldn’t help but exclaim “How does it feel after tomorrow”.

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Zheng Mingdian shared “Tainan’s temperature changes in the last 24 hours” on Facebook, saying that the cold air reached Tainan around 4:30. This cold snap is strong, and all of Taiwan feels that the response time in the south will be delayed a bit, but the temperature will drop quickly, remind everyone to stay warm!

▲ Zheng Mingdian shared the
▲ Zheng Mingdian shared the “Tainan temperature change chart in the past 24 hours” on Facebook earlier. (Photo / Obtained from Zheng Mingdian Facebook)

When netizens saw this, they left messages: “The feeling of ‘after tomorrow'”, “This kind of temperature and wind appearing at the same time is really rare in recent years”, “The strong wind in the mountainous area of ​​the north last night “” The Tainan coastal wind is so strong “” Kaohsiung I feel the taste of coldness “.

Peng Qiming, CEO of the climate risk company, also posted a “Graph of Danshui Temperature Change Over the Past 24 Hours” on Facebook, saying bluntly: “Look at this temperature drop. Danshui dropped 5 degrees in an hour This is not a temperature slide. You can go. Sit down and focus. ” He also suggested that when people get up in the morning, they can do 4 things, namely “move hands and feet in bed”, “put on a coat immediately after getting up”, “drink warm water” and “worry for the family “. Elderly or chronically ill patients. “(Editor: Xu Yiqing)

▲ Lee Peng Qiming posted on Facebook the
▲ Peng Qiming posted a “Fresh water temperature change chart in the past 24 hours” on Facebook. (Photo / Obtained from Peng Qiming’s Facebook)

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