Sweep 88 Boxes at Once! Rushed to Move Costco’s Net “Hot Items” Choke: Embarrassing Enough | New | NOWnews Today News


Sweep 88 Boxes at Once! Rushed to Move Costco’s Net “Hot Items” Choke: Embarrassing Enough | New | NOWnews Today News

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Sweep 88 boxes in one go! Quickly moved Costco’s net “hot items” choke: embarrassing enough

Editorial Center / General Report

2020-12-28 20:34:54

▲ (Image / Obtained from Facebook Society
▲ Sweep 88 boxes in one go! A netizen in Taichung discovered that some people were violently moving this “hot item” from Costco, and the flabbergasted image sparked a heated discussion among people. (Photo / Obtained from the Facebook Society “COSTCO Consumer Experience Exchange Zone”)

Shopping services were originally intended for consumers to buy products from abroad or from other countries, but in recent years it has become a means of raising prices. Many e-commerce platforms often feature popular and popular items, such as specially shaped travel cards and PS5s. In the case of game consoles or concert tickets, there will be sellers who “buy”, but they will be sold to fans at a higher price than the market. Recently, a netizen found a Disney puzzle in an American store, but the public swept 8 boxes right after putting it on the shelves. All the stock on the shelf is sold out. Netizens were so angry that they took this photo and it sparked everyone’s frustration.

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This netizen was dumbfounded on the Facebook group “Costco Costco Commodity Consumer Experience Sharing Zone” and said he witnessed this scene at the US store Costco (Costco) Beitun in Taichung. A closer look reveals that the photo appears to be Looking at the cart in front of men and women, the cart is filled with more than 8 large boxes of Disney puzzles. Each box contains about 11 puzzle boxes in iron boxes priced at 399 yuan. The total value of more than 88 boxes is approximately35,200 yuanIn this way, the popular iron box puzzle sold out from the shelf.Many netizens said that because each box of this Disney puzzle contains 20 classic Disney character puzzles, including “Frozen”, “Toy Story”, “The Lion King” and “Mulan”, the price is relatively close to the price. people. Many parents will buy it as a popular item to exchange gifts or give to their children. Seeing this image that was swept away immediately after it was put on the shelves, they also got quite angry. “It sucks”, “No wonder I went there and nothing was left”, “I want it, but I can’t buy it”. “It feels like paying the membership fee in vain.”

▲ (Image / Obtained from Facebook Society
▲ A few days ago, some netizens discovered that Costco started selling this Disney puzzle, but unexpectedly, it caused everyone to panic when buying. (Image / Obtained from Facebook Club “COSTCO Goods Experience Honestly”)

As for why these two people emptied the products onto the shelves at the same time, many netizens also speculated that it was for buying and selling. “You know they were sold” and “They should be sold online. Costco buys. If you don’t have it, you will have to raise the price with it. Don’t tell me to buy it again and work hard.” “It’s really embarrassing,” “There is many things out of stock. Most are bought in his name. Just go to Xiaopi to find out. “It’s so cheeky. Monopoly supplies are sold online at a higher price. If you can’t sell them, you can return them. It’s an obvious task.” However, some netizens speculate that it may be a kindergarten or elementary school or that the school bought it as a gift. Rewards, but after the exposure of this image, many consumers have lamented “Some people just treat convenience as casual” and “If you can’t get it, you can’t get it.” (Editor: Yang Zhijie)

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