Su Weishuo, a doctor accused of anti-Laizhu pigs, “get to the case in time, please, Tsai Ing-wen as a witness” Life | NOWnews Today News


Su Weishuo, a doctor accused of anti-Laizhu pigs, “get to the case on time, please, Tsai Ing-wen as a witness” | Life | NOWnews Today News

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Su Weishuo, a doctor accused of anti-Laizhu, “ appeared on time and asked Tsai Ing-wen as a witness ”

Editor Lin Wanqian / Full Report

calendar_today2020-12-17 12:11: 47 |to update2020-12-17 12:37:34

Su Weishuo
▲ Doctor Su Weishuo said at a press conference today (17) that he will answer the call in time as required by the police, and will also ask Tsai Ing-wen, who was anti-Lainiu, to be a witness. (Photo / NOWnews Live Stream)

RaccodobaamineWith less than a month left to import American pigs and cattle, Su Weishuo, a doctor who has been following the lycox issue for many years, has repeatedly publicized the toxicity of lycox and has strongly opposed human consumption. However, he was accused by the Ministry of Health and Welfare of violating food safety. Fa, today (17), said that he said that the bleach was poisonous, not the pig, and regretted that when the ruling party was still an opposition party, it can be said that the ox is a poisonous ox. Why can’t it be say that the pig is a poisonous pig today? He will also ask to call President Tsai Ing-wen and ask her to be a witness.

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The Anti-Clenbuterol Civil Alliance held a press conference today. Former GP Su Weishuo of the Kaohsiung Rong Tainan General Branch said that when he received the police investigation notice a few days ago, he did not know that it was the Ministry of Health and Welfare that reported it. During the Legislative Yuan hearing in the middle of the month, he wrote a pamphlet on the toxicological evidence to the Ministry of Health and Welfare, and also attached all the documents, which can be found on the Internet. He believes that the Ministry of Health and Welfare can understand that the evidence is enough to follow The US government convinced that ractopamine turned out to be toxic today is even different than 2012. When Su Weishuo took a historical photo of the DPP from the opposition party at the 2012 anti-Rai Niu rally, noted that President Tsai Ing-wen, who was the chairman of the DPP, stood up and shouted “Lao Niu is a poisonous cow.” He asked Tsai Ing-wen, why can we say that Lai cattle is a poisonous cow back then? Why can’t we just say that Lai pig is a poisonous pig today? He will show up on time according to the time specified by the police station, and he will also request Tsai Ing-wen as a witness.

Su Weishuo asked, he is just a little doctor, not a thief from Jiang Yang, does he need to use the Criminal Bureau to handle the case? He said that if he broke the law, he could report it directly to the district attorney’s office and the prosecutor would issue a preliminary judgment. Why should the criminal police office be handed over to the local police station?

Su Weishuo mentioned that he has repeatedly publicly stated that bleach is harmful. Not only is pork or beef innocent, but the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare used this to inform you. He would like to ask the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare to study whether bleach is poisonous. What is a violation of the Food Safety Act? The Ministry of Health and Welfare should ensure that citizens can eat comfortably and have scientific principles.

Regarding the 2012 DPP invitation to lecture for the Green Committee on “Health Risks of Ractopamine”, Su Weishuo noted that, in fact, Mr. Ke invited him to attend the party group meeting. of the DPP. Some of them still serve as legislators, and after their report that year, many legislators also praised their documents: “I stayed in the same position because they did not change, but they did change.”

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