Su Rui is still “twice divorced” for love to change the bitter 68-year betrayal situation exposed-Entertainment-Zhongshi News Network


[Reminiscencia]68-year-old singer Su Rui has a strong stage style and a passionate singing voice. He has sung countless popular songs during his 37 years of debut, such as “Drinking Dry Wine”, “Same Moonlight”, “Dear Child”, etc. It is a melody that most fans are familiar with. However, Su Rui’s achievements are not overnight, he only became popular at the age of 30. After two hard-working marriages, Su Rui created a wise and gentle self.

Su Rui started singing songs in English and sang at a folk song restaurant at the age of 15. The first song was “Who’s Lovin You” by the American pop band Jackson 5 (Jackson Five). He has a habit of singing, either rehearsing or performing live. You will definitely take a tape recorder to record, always check its performance. However, Su Rui’s explosive nature did not immediately attract attention. He has been a singer for over ten years and his income has been shaky. When she was about to change into a shop assistant, she was invited to the Cui Taijing show “Evening Fragrance”. Performed in the song unit, the very moving voice was unique in that year, and it was rewarded by film director Yu Jianping and signed with UFO Records.

Su Rui's scenic charm is unstoppable.  (Average time data image / photo)
Su Rui’s scenic charm is unstoppable. (Average time data image / photo)

1983 was a turning point in Su Rui’s life. It featured the title track and interlude for the movie “Hitch the Wrong Car”, “If Wine Sells for Nothing”, “Same Moonlight”, “Yes”, “Grasp” and “Change” suddenly changed. Under the history of pop music, combined with the style of soul music, vigorously inverts the traditional method of female singing; the second album “Suddenly Looking Back” is more popular than the first, and the sales volume of more than one million allows UFO records to compete with Rolling Stone records. Su Rui too From an unknown resident singer to a well-known superstar such as Zhang Huimei, Jacky Cheung, Faye Wong, Jiang Hui, and Stefanie Sun, they have all sung her songs.

Su Rui is very popular in the show business circle and she wept with joy when she was reunited with her old friends Zhang Qingfang and Wang Zhilei.  (Average weather data image / photo)
Su Rui is very popular in the show business circle and she wept with joy when she was reunited with her old friends Zhang Qingfang and Wang Zhilei. (Average weather data image / photo)
Su Rui is very influential in the Chinese music scene and won the Special Contribution Award from the 29th Golden Melody Awards.  (Average time data image / photo)
Su Rui is very influential in the Chinese music scene and won the Special Contribution Award from the 29th Golden Melody Awards. (Average time data image / photo)

Su Rui’s singing career is a chicken, but love is colliding. At the age of 27, she married her first husband, Zhang Tianbai. She is willing to get off the mic and go back to working as a full-time stay at home mom. Cai grabbed her husband’s stomach, but when the man had an affair and cohabited with the bar singer to create an unfavorable relationship, Su Rui asked the other party in pain, “Why are you betraying me so quickly?” Zhang Tianbai only said that he loves Su Rui, that they can perform together. It wasn’t the “babysitter” who left the stage, and Su Rui was hit hard, and it took her several years to recover after the relationship ended.

When he was 33 years old, he met the second marriage of his life. The other party was Liu Weilin, the president of the communication company who was 4 years younger. With the support and help of the other party, Su Rui’s singing career became more and more popular, but it was also due to frequent work. The relationship between husband and wife gradually faded. In the thirteenth year of marriage, Liu Weilin suddenly dropped a note stating that he wanted to settle in the United States, so he left his wife and 6-year-old son and went home alone. Su Rui waited 9 months and finally After the news of the husband, the divorce agreement, there was a line behind the lawyer’s letter: “May love earn a living.”

Her Rui and her second husband, Liu Weilin, had many fond memories since they were married for 14 years.  (Average weather data image / photo)
Her Rui and her second husband, Liu Weilin, had fond memories of their 14-year marriage. (Average time data image / photo)

After leaving the two marriages that did not come to the end, Su Rui felt that she was a woman who was willing to change for her marriage and husband, but each time she made adjustments, she grew farther and farther away and realized that a woman “She loves marriage, it is better to love herself more.” From then on, Su Rui gave all her love to her children and raised her children independently. She is now a math teacher in high school. She is proud to be a mother and can enjoy her single life with confidence. Running and playing basketball in Zhihebin Park, Su Rui laughed and said that he was the captain of the women’s basketball team when he was a student. If he hadn’t become a singer, he would most likely be a national basketball player.

Su Rui now enjoys the single life.  (Average time data image / photo)
Su Rui now enjoys the single life. (Average time data image / photo)

(Zhongshi News Network)
