Stop doing it with a 55K monthly salary! Policewomen criticized 6 dark sides “give me 100,000 and don’t do it” | Life | Sanli News Network SETN.COM


Life Center / Reported by Jiang Jirong

All walks of life have an unknown bitterness. A netizen has been in the police force for 4 years and decided to quit her job because she couldn’t stand the dark side of the workplace and the environment in general. Although her current job is nothing more than the police, the netizen said that even if she was given a monthly salary of 100,000 yuan, she was not willing. Be a cop again. After the post was exposed, heated discussions ensued.

▲ The netizen finally resigned from the police for 4 years. (Schematic diagram, data photo / part no.)

The former police officer noted on Dcard that after graduating from college, he saw the advertisements for the intensive school and discovered that the fourth-class police had a high admission rate and had a “take exams and tests” mentality. As a result, it was on the list after four months of reading. The original PO, who has a direct personality and is not afraid of hard work, can quickly get to work. He is competent for shifts and night tasks. Even Chun’an’s work, which his colleagues avoid out of fear, can be praised by the boss.

However, the original PO said that this is a workplace with a hostile and closed environment and a large gap in the quality of colleagues. They shared the dark side. For example, vacation time is not fixed. “I never know if the originally scheduled vacation will be canceled as long as the officer said If you are far, you have to return, and you can only claim yourself if you have booked the itinerary.” As long as you cannot return once, you will become a Sinner of all and the boss will hate you for a long time.

There are also leaders who always feel they are the smartest, they cannot keep up with realistic thinking, they can never accept suggestions, the shift system has led to a red light on health, the quality of colleagues is very different and not They are friendly with women, “Even if I work so hard” Appearance is not very good, and still you will meet a very smart officer who asks you to entertain him and laugh, and he will make verbal jokes. No matter how hard I try, this kind of distortion still exists. “

▲ The original PO suggested that everyone should not take the police test. (Image / Recovered from Dcard)

The last point is that the original PO thinks that this society is very hostile towards the police. They scold the police every day. They are not respected for their public power. They cannot defend themselves when they are hit and scold. “I remember a woman slapping me when I forbade drunk driving. She yelled loudly and then got upset in her official duties.” The last straw for the original police officer was when she and her family ate the ginger duck and turned out to be inspected by the police. Unexpectedly, my uncle would say: “There is a police inspecting.” Does the government have so little money? “Dad replied:” These robbers (policemen) hide in the dark to cause trouble for people!

Because the social environment is not friendly to the police, the original PO decides to leave his job with a monthly salary of 55K. The original PO is now working as usual, with a maximum of 3 work days per month, and will take a break when it sees red. The monthly salary is 46K to 48K. The original PO emphasized that even if he was given a 100,000 yuan monthly salary, he would never be a police officer again. “Police are not really a very good job. I firmly believe that hard-working people have talent everywhere, and police don’t need talent.” . “

As soon as the post came out, netizens replied that “the police don’t need talents, they need slaves”, “I don’t want to do it when I see this kind of shift. I’m exhausted when I adjust my body every day for jet lag.” Moving on in 9 years, he also said that he doesn’t want to stay at the police station now and wants to adjust his unit next year. “” Tears to push this article. I don’t understand the police shift system. What is the main preparation and two preparations? What did you do? It messed me up. “” I used to be a substitute in a certain branch, and I really know the horror of shifts. There are also several things that ruin all three opinions. The officer has an extramarital affair with the police officer downstairs ~ The officer keeps getting promoted, The cops get transferred and there are such strange things. “
