Speaking of Giuliani, Joe State Voting Machine: The big news will soon be revealed | Dominion Voting System | Trump


[La Gran Época 23 de diciembre de 2020](Full report by Epoch Times reporter Yan Shujing) On Tuesday (22), President Trump’s lawyer Rudy Giuliani stated that the state of Georgia For the voting machine, expects there to be several important news in the coming days.

Giuliani said on the “War Room: Pandemic” program on Tuesday: “I happen to know that regarding the (voting) machine, we will blow up one or two of Qiaozhou in the next day or two. Anise. Let me pray for good. luck “.

Many counties in Qiao State use Dominion voting systems. A Michigan forensic audit recently concluded that Dominion’s voting system was designed to influence elections.

Recently, the Republican chairman of the Qiao State Senate Election Law Study Subcommittee William Ligon released a report on the November 3 elections. Giuliani said: “This is the first breakthrough.” The report says that election staff appeared to be carrying out coordinated illegal activities. It was referring to the period of time when votes were counted without supervision.

Giuliani said the publication of the report may trigger a special meeting in Qiaozhou to revoke the certification of the election results. Since the Qiao State House of Representatives is controlled by the Republican Party and Republicans represent the majority, he said: “This will be an opportunity.”

Speaking of the voting machine, Giuliani also said: “Perhaps there is a little extra information about fraud or deception, which will be more than enough to nullify the election results.

Giuliani also said Tuesday that the Trump campaign has evidence from various parts of the state that the voting machine has failed.

“At one place in rural Qiaozhou, we checked the election results three times and got three different results,” he said.

Joe House Speaker David Ralston, state Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Jesse Stone (Jesse Stone) and Vice President Bill Cowsert (Bill Cowsert) did not respond to requests for comment.

When asked if other members of the “Election Law Investigation Subcommittee” supported the report, Ligon did not respond.

Democratic Sen. Elena Parent, a member of the subcommittee, told The Epoch Times by email: “This report has never been shared with me. The committee did not vote on or consider this report. What it represents is simply the vision of the president as a single legislator. “.

(Epoch Times reporter Zachary Stieber contributed to this article.)

Editor in charge: Lin Yan #
