Solo / Interlude! Jolin Tsai sings on stage with Tourette syndrome. The fans control the tears. 3 personal bullying | Life | Sanli News Network SETN.COM


Reporter Chen Yi / Taipei Report

Jolin Tsai’s “Ugly Beauty World Tour Concert 2020” debuted at the Kaohsiung Arena last night (20), bringing a lavish audiovisual feast to the audience. However, in the midst of a high wave, an episode emerged in which a patient with Tourette’s disease accused the staff at the venue of suspected bullying behavior. In addition to falsely accusing him of stealing videos during the concert, three people were later sent to surround him and force him. He handed over his cell phone, which made his tics worse. In the end it was found that there was a game of oolong, it is understood that the staff did not apologize at all, leaving the person presenting the symptoms crying outside the court alone.

▲ Jolin Tsai went up to the Kaohsiung Dome function last night (20), but there was an incident where a Tourette syndrome patient was suspected of being harassed by staff. (Photo / provided by readers)

Zeng Baiying, a Tourette disease patient, is the winner of the 2015 Presidential Education Award and the star of the NHK Japan’s global anti-bullying documentary on Taiwan. Zeng Baiying told “Sanli News Network” that on Friday night, he had a special disabled ticket and enjoyed Jolin Tsai’s performance with friends. Fearing that the involuntary tic symptoms would affect other audiences, he ingested a sedative before entering the venue. After sitting in the handicap area, he explained to strangers around him that he was a Tourette’s disease patient and that he could make some noise and limbs. Action, hope others can understand.

Zeng Baiying was grateful for the considerate attitude of the audience next to him. After entering the stadium, he saw the audience full of fans and his symptoms reappeared. He took 2 more tranquilizers on the spot, which ultimately calmed the emotional restlessness and tics. . However, almost halfway through the concert, a friend of Zeng Baiying’s grabbed a mobile phone to record a video. A staff member “stabbed him in the back” with her finger and reprimanded that no video recording was allowed at the scene. He said he took out his mobile phone to record or take pictures. People can see at least 10 people at a glance. Many viewers upload their videos to social software, but the staff didn’t stop them. “There are no relevant notices or staff advocating a ban on recording and taking pictures from the moment of admission to the start of the concert. Just do this.” Zeng Baiying, who was sitting on the sidelines, did not make any video recording, but was severely accused. At that moment, he immediately protested to the staff member for his attitude.

▲ Zeng Baiying said that because he was afraid that his symptoms would interfere with the audience next to him, he specially prepared text messages to inform others at any time. (Photo / provided by Zeng Baiying)

Generally speaking, Tourette’s disease patients are particularly prone to seizures in crowded places or when they are emotionally stressed. Zeng Baiying recalled that the originally stable mood was caused by the “bad attitude” of the field controllers. All three sedatives in the body began to fail to suppress anxiety, resulting in intensified tics. Currently, Zeng Baiying was afraid of influencing others. One person rushed to the field to “release the pressure.” He frankly admitted that he was constantly walking, yelling and other involuntary behavior outside the soundproof door due to mental stress, but what really caused his emotional breakdown was behind him: Three staff members (1 man and 2 women) came up to him and told him. They surrounded him, harshly accused him of recording video at the scene, and asked him to hand over his mobile phone for them to check.

Zeng Baiying said that at that time he kept clarifying to the three that he did not record or take photos, and the other party continued to double-team with him. Not only did he ask Dongwenxi, but he also insisted that he hand over his mobile phone, not giving him room to adjust his emotions. The physical and mental discomfort that he could not bear the onset of Tourette syndrome plus the offense of three people, Zeng Baiying said he still handed over the phone. After inspection, it was shown to be an oolong game, but “the other party didn’t even apologize” and left it alone at the scene. Cry.

▲ Zeng Baiying accused three field controllers of outsourcing him and forced him to hand over his mobile phone with a severe attitude, causing him to suffer from Tourette’s disease, making him more anxious and scared. (Photo / provided by Zeng Baiying)

Zeng Baiying said that even though she repeatedly stated that she was a Tourette disease patient during the dispute, she would inevitably make uncontrollable body movements and voices due to stress. The choice to go outside was afraid to affect others, but seemed to be completely unable to get staff. A pinch of understanding. The staff member obtained his mobile phone to confirm that there was no recording behavior and said, “We don’t know you have Tourette’s disease!” But in fact, when people with disabilities buy preferred tickets, they will fax a disability certificate to the ticket seller in advance and the code will be dialed. Whenever you consult the website of the Ministry of Health and Welfare, you will be able to know the symptoms of the ticket buyer.

“The organizer has arranged seats for the physically and mentally disabled with good intentions, but the staff has not received relevant support training. Even the general situation of the physically and mentally disabled has not been understood in advance, it is obviously not prepared.” Zeng Baiying also said that the field control personnel were unsure of the situation. Regardless of what Ruizheng is, he used a stern attitude to direct him to record: “You said you didn’t shoot, so take out your phone!” He regretted that this already implies an invasion of privacy. No one should be treated like this. It doesn’t matter if the concert doesn’t sound good, I just hope society has more understanding and respect for minority groups.

Tourette syndrome(Tourette syndrome, TS) is a neurophysiological disease, not a mental problem. Some studies have pointed out that the symptoms stem from the overreaction of dopamine in the nucleus basalis of the brain, causing patients to repeatedly exhibit involuntary movements and sounds. The main symptoms are “twitch“(Tics) refers to sudden, rapid and repetitive involuntary actions or voices, such as: blinking quickly and briefly, moving the nose, pouting, biting the tongue, gnashing the teeth, smiling, opening the eyes, shrugging the shoulders, denying With your head, Play with your fingers, take a step or two backwards, make a face, make a hiccuping sound, clear your throat, imitate other people’s movements or words, appear unusual postures or movements and show offensive.

Some patients with Tourette’s disease often show coughing, elimination of phlegm, and other actions that cannot be controlled with willpower. During the Wuhan pneumonia epidemic (COVID-19, new coronary pneumonia), they are particularly vulnerable to the strange eyes of other people in public. On April 27, 2020, Health and Social Welfare Minister Chen Shizhong once called on the Chinese to show empathy for Tourette’s disease patients. Although they have uncontrollable tics, they are usually not offensive.

Lin Jiapei, a psychiatrist at the Shuanghe Hospital of the Ministry of Health and Welfare, explained that if you talk to patients with Tourette or after a long time, you can always find that they will not have strange fantasies or hallucinations, although some actions can make them get along. It’s inconvenient, but just like some people have their feet shaky or a catchphrase, others can treat it with a normal heart. Lin Jiapei believes that Tourette disease patients often have to work harder than ordinary people in their lives. In fact, it is better to get along with them as usual. As long as they completely ignore their symptoms like coughing, stomping, clearing their throats, and making strange noises, the less we remember them o Keep in mind that Tourette’s patients can naturally reduce or alleviate these behaviors; conversely, when we deliberately reject or ask, symptoms will be more difficult to control when people with Tourette’s have thoughts of suppressing these behaviors. .
