Sit down! Keshao dominating 8 rounds 13K finishes Dodge 3-0 to eliminate Brewers-ETtoday


  1. Sit down! Keshao dominating 8 rounds 13K completes Dodge 3-0 to eliminate brewery ETtoday
  2. MLB “Keshaw resurrected in the playoffs! 8 innings without scoring a new 13K speed record Dodge advances to Free Times e-new
  3. Ko Xiao knocked out Brewer Dodge in the eighth round of 13K in the Yahoo! National League Division Series.
  4. The MLB Dodgers wild-card pitching group suppressed and defeated the Brewers to earn their first win on FOX Sports
  5. MLB “Seag hits Dodge’s farthest brewer, Souter, to set an embarrassing record and defeats Liberty Times.
  6. Go to Google News to see the full report