Sister is too drunk! When I wake up, many chickens in the room “super crazy right” all laugh and fry themselves | New | NOWnews Today News


Sister is too drunk! When I wake up, many chickens in the “Super Crazy Truth” room are laughing and fried | New | NOWnews Today News

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Sister is too drunk! As soon as I woke up, many chickens in the room “super crazy truth” laughed and fried

Editorial Center / General Report

calendar_today2020-10-09 23:58:31

▲ A netizen pointed out that she woke up drunk and discovered that there was a chicken in the room. After the truth was discovered, many people laughed and yelled “Too crazy!” book)

Friends and family get together and sometimes have a drink, but some friends who don’t drink well will always make a lot of jokes if they get drunk. One netizen noted that she woke up drunk to find there was a chicken in the room. After the truth was exposed, many people laughed and yelled “Too crazy!” “Commune” published an article, which exclaimed in the text: “I have to complain … why do I drink so much to bring a chicken home?” It turned out that she was drunk that night and saw a hen on the doorstep of a friend’s house, stepped forward and took it off, and then got in the car driven by the drunk generation to drive away. At that time, the friends saw the behavior of the original PO and urged “this is someone else’s chicken, let it go.” However, the original PO still insisted on taking the chicken and even the deadlock refused to let it go. The friend decided to let him go. PO to go. After learning the truth, he also let the original PO say in a funny and blunt way: “Inexplicably included! So he called him Chunhua.”

▲ The original PO took the chicken from his friend's house.  (Photo / Flip Boom Commune Facebook Page)
▲ The original PO took the chicken from his friend’s house. (Photo / Flip Boom Commune Facebook page)

However, the original PO was later updated, “Chunhua was actually raised by my friend’s older mother. She was still looking for chickens in the morning. Chunhua was the older mother who took care of the laying hens. Then badly Win, I took Chunhua after I woke up. I came back. ” She also pointed out that when the chicken disappeared early in the morning, the older mother asked her friends, and the friend replied in a funny way, “Well … they took me back to play.”

▲ The original PO was drunk and mistakenly took his friend's chicken.  (Photo / Flip Boom Commune's Facebook)
▲ The original PO was drunk and mistakenly took his friend’s chicken. (Photo / Flip Boom Commune’s Facebook)

As soon as the post was exposed, it attracted over 6,000 people who instantly liked it. Many netizens laughed and said bluntly: “Chicken: I was terribly scared at the time”, “Did you want to catch the wine and food right now?”, “This Chicken looks very handsome”, “My brother used to be drunk abroad and brought a horse home … this is nothing “,” The chicken said: Have you respected me? “,” It’s true Super crazy hahahahaha “. (Editor: Chen Yayun)

※ 【NOWnews Today News】 Remember not to drive after drinking, drinking too much can harm your health!

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