Show Tsai Ing-wen’s “Mystery Note” 19 years ago He: saved TSMC, the holy mountain to protect the country | Politics | Sanli News Network SETN.COM


Political Center / Full Report

Former legislator Huang Shizhuo Jin (11) posted a mystery note from 2002 on Facebook and posted a lengthy article of over 3,000 words. He said it was a finalized memorandum written by President Tsai Ing-wen, then president of the Continent Affairs Council. He said that although the content of this memo was brief, it was also because “this mysterious note saved TSMC, the god of protection of the country.”

▲ Huang Shizhuo showed the mysterious note from Tsai Ing-wen 19 years ago, shouting that TSMC, the god of protection of the country, was saved (photo / photographed from Facebook)

In the afternoon, Huang Shizhuo shared a note on Facebook. He was sorting through old things and found an old note from 2002. This memo was written by him and finalized and transcribed by Tsai Ing-wen, then Chairman of the Continent Affairs Council. The president at that time is now the president, and President Tsai’s handwriting is beautiful. It was this little note that blocked the call for Taiwan’s semiconductor factories to set up factories in China at the time, and delayed the progress of the establishment of TSMC factories in China. The sacred mountain of the Taiwan protectorate. He called on Taiwan to enact a “Technology Protection Law” as soon as possible to protect the competitiveness of local Taiwanese industries.

Huang Shizhuo said that after Taiwan refrained from rushing, be patient, and former President Chen Shui-bian took office, he switched to an attitude of “active, open and effective management” to improve economic and trade relations through of the Strait. At that time, Economy Minister Lin Xinyi offered to open three eight-inch wafer factories to China within three years, and there was a subsequent opening plan. The Kuomintang and the People’s First Party, which hold the majority of the seats in the National Assembly, were happy. The Kuomintang shouted the slogan “Please let the government release and let the wafer come out” and released the news that “people support the fabulous 8-inch wafer to go to China.” The party government simply cannot bear it.

The situation was very unfavorable for Taiwan at the time. In 2001, a “HeJian Technology” established in Suzhou Industrial Park, China, was rumored to be a company that Taiwan UMC had infiltrated into China to invest. In hindsight, it appeared to have been invested by UMC. The 8A from UMC Factory is said to have been packed and ready to go.

He noted that there were not a few 12-inch factories in the world at the time, and the 8-inch factory was still the lifeblood of the foundry. TSMC’s first 12-inch factory, Nanke Fab 6, wasn’t long before mass production. China is determined to develop its semiconductor industry and seize Taiwan’s capital, equipment, talents, and technology. TSMC’s first 12-inch factory, Nanke Fab 6, did not go into mass production for a long time. China is determined to develop the semiconductor industry and seize Taiwan’s capital, equipment, talents and technology.

Huang Shizhuo noted that his father, Huang Zhuwen, was the president of the Taiwan Solidarity Alliance at the time. The Federation of Taiwan had 13 seats as legislators. He recommended to his father that the Taiwan Federation should not only use the power of Congress to completely block it, but that the Taiwan Federation should combine social forces to launch demonstrations. If the 8-inch wafer factories of TSMC and UMC are transferred to China, they will drive the development of China’s semiconductor industry. The clustering effect of the technology industry will move from Hsinchu Science Park to China. After a great loss of capital and talents, Taiwan’s industry will be empty. 化.

At that time, there were also three reasons to oppose investment in China:

1. The main force in the foundry industry is 8-inch wafer mills. Taiwan’s 8-inch wafer factory has a throughput rate of 95%, which is the world’s most sophisticated wafer-making technology, while China’s overall wafer throughput rate is less than 50%, if the 8-inch wafer factory is brought to China for production, it is to allow competitors to get the technology and know how to compete with Taiwan.

Two-inch and eight-inch wafer mills are Taiwan’s largest industry in terms of production value and are also an indicator to guide Taiwan’s economy. According to a report from the Industrial Technology Research Institute, if the factory opens in 2003, the production value will be reduced by more than 100 billion yuan. By 2005, it will reduce 210 billion yuan, and the eight-inch wafer factory will open one day later, which will bring more profit and less harm to Taiwan.

3. The United States regulates technology transfer below 0.25 microns and Taiwan’s technology has reached less than 0.13 microns. If Taiwan moves its technology to China, it may affect the technology exchange between Taiwan and the United States.

Huang Shizhuo said that on March 16, 2002, the Legislative Yuan approved the Taiwan Union’s proposal to postpone opening 8-inch wafer factories to China. This was a preliminary response of goodwill. At the time, the Yuan You Xikun said that it would decide whether to open on the 8th at the end of March. Fabulous Inch headed to China.

On March 17, 2002, the Executive Yuan called hoping to speak more about it. Yuan You Xikun, MAC Chairman Cai Ing-wen, and Executive Yuan General Secretary Li Yingyuan went to his home. He felt that Tsai Ing-wen was hesitating and was also hoping to lock the wafer. When the factory went halfway, You Xikun also loosened. In this closed-door meeting, only five people participated, including the three heads of the political council, him and Huang Zhuwen. I did a sand table deduction with my father beforehand. If the Executive Yuan is going to push, we must protest to the end. Perhaps cooperation between local governments will deteriorate across the board. But if the other party is willing to negotiate, we should present clear conditions for the Executive Yuan to follow.

Huang Shizhuo said that on March 17, 2002, the Executive Yuan called and wanted to discuss in detail. Executive Yuan You Xikun, MAC President Tsai Ing-wen and Executive Yuan General Secretary Li Yingyuan went to his home. He felt that Tsai Ing-wen was hesitating and Tsai Ing-wen wanted to stop him. When the fabulous went to China, You Xikun also relaxed; Only the three heads of government, he and his father, attended this confidential meeting behind closed doors.

Huang Shizhuo said that at that time he proposed that investment in China should adopt the three main conditions of the “one-for-one model” and handed over the draft to Tsai Ing-wen. Tsai Ing-wen proposed to draft a political memorandum based on conditions acceptable to the Executive Yuan and deliver it. He kept it as a pledge of the Council. “President Tsai’s proposal is very smart. He intended to secretly help the Taiwan Federation. If the government repents, we can publish the note. The government will be very ashamed.”

Huang Shizhuo said that the promise of the Political Yuan version is the note that everyone sees now:

1. The opinion of the Taiwan Federation of Trade Unions that the government has mainly joined the management mechanism.

2. Effective management mechanisms include administrative orders, legislation, and establishment of systems. The Taiwan Federation of Trade Unions believes that it must be fully completed before it can be opened. The Federation of Taiwan should make every effort to continuously monitor.

3. The Federation of Taiwan has a timetable for the government announcement The Federation of Taiwan decided to again ask the government to incorporate the position of the Federation of Taiwan that only 12-inch mass production can be opened to 8 inches.

Huang Shizhuo said, of course, that this note has no possibility of being withdrawn again. According to his suggestions, the Executive Yuan has delayed the factory’s investment in China; He also mentioned that in the process of personal contact, he told Cai The impression of the president has always been very good and President Tsai has always been a person who has worked hard to achieve political compromises.

▲ Huang Shizhuo showed the mysterious note from Tsai Ing-wen 19 years ago, shouting that TSMC, the god of protection of the country, was saved (photo / photographed from Facebook)
