Should the surface of the bubble be covered? Initiates laughed “in the face of difference”: more delicious | New | NOWnews Today News


Should the surface of the bubble be covered? Initiates laughed “in the face of difference”: more delicious | New | NOWnews Today News

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Should the surface of the bubble be covered? Initiates laughed “in the face of difference”: more delicious

Editorial Center / General Report

2020-12-26 09:46:08

▲ Some netizens thought of
▲ Should it cover the top of the bubble? The informant laughed at the “face difference.” (Sketches / Obtained from Facebook Club “Costco Goods Experience Honestly”)

Instant noodles have become one of the most convenient three-meal options for modern people, and they have the advantages of cheap, simple cooking and various seasonings. However, some netizens have expressed doubts on the internet recently, “Should the top of the bubble noodles be covered or not?” Unexpectedly, an informant revealed the difference between “covered and uncovered”, saying that it was “more delicious”, which caused heat. Discussion.

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▲ An informant noted that the difference between
▲ One informant noted that the difference between “covered and uncovered” is “the top of the instant noodles floating up.” (Quanlian Self Love Sketch / Review-Good Things To Be Honest)

This netizen posted an article on the Internet PPT WomenTalk forum about the PO “Do you cover bubble noodles with a lid?” She said: “I heard a lot of people say that bubble noodles will be covered and also used without a lid. The bowl on the cover of the book, but if I put it in a bubble bag, I usually don’t cover it. Anyway, it doesn’t taste bad in hot water, so I don’t cover it, but it seems to be considered heresy, so which is a lot of people. Do you have to cover the instant noodles to eat? “As soon as this article was published, a lot of netizens caused heated discussions. Some informants revealed the “differences in the taste of the noodles” and the message area was covered with tall buildings. Netizens left messages saying “Yes! Covering with a book can always keep the temperature”, “Cover it up, it’s faster than cooking and the face is faster than Q”, “Heat won’t escape”, “No cover The heat dissipation is actually faster than the lid … When the bubble noodles are added, the hot water starts to dissipate the heat”, “I just put it down and eat it right away. I like the texture slightly crunchy, but a little bit Instant noodles are not suitable to eat this way. Even if they are just soaked in hot water, they are still not crisp enough and taste very strange. I have to wait for them to get soggy “and” Just fill in the steam. If you soak the hot water, it will soon drain so hot the noodles won’t cook as quickly. ” However, one informant noted that the difference between “covered and uncovered” lies in “the top of the instant noodles floating.” He believed that “if it is not covered, the part that has not been soaked in water will harden. If there is really no way to cover it, then It can be soaked, but it is necessary to” stir while soaking “. It will taste more delicious, of otherwise the noodles on the water will be too hard. ” (Publisher: Wang Baiwen)

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