shock! Does the DPP punish the “Green Committee 3”? He affirms the future of 3 people in advance | Politics | Sanli News Network SETN.COM


Political Center / Full Report

The Legislative Yuan passed 9 administrative orders regarding the importation of pigs, and the DPP had previously decided to “vote unanimously”, but party lawmakers Lin Shufen, Liu Jianguo and Jiang Yongchang abstained from voting. As for whether the DPP will clamp down and punish these three lawmakers? Political commentator Li Zhenghao predicted today (25) that the DPP may suspend its power for two years. “The political future of the three people will not be affected at all, and the ship will have no trace of him.”

▲ The “unanimous vote” of the DPP group was broken due to the temporary vote of three legislators. (Image / photo data)

The Legislative Yuan yesterday reviewed the “Draft Amendments to Some Provisions of the Food Safety and Hygiene Management Law”, in which article 22 and article 24, the opposition party group’s proposal should indicate whether the outer packaging of food, food ingredients, food additives and their ingredients contains type B. Regarding the receptor element (ractopamine), the DPP group advocated maintaining the current provisions; however, Lin Shufen and Liu Jianguo abstained from voting and did not vote for him, and did not “vote unanimously” with the DPP group. In response to this, Ke Jianming, the head of the DPP group, later said that “it will definitely be resolved.”

As for how the DPP will deal with Lin Shufen, Liu Jianguo and Jiang Yongchang? Li Zhenghao predicted on Facebook today that he would “suspend power for two years.”

Li Zhenghao further explained, “Two years later, after Lin Shufen, Liu Jianguo, and Jiang Yongchang regained their party power, it was right at the time when the legislators were nominated in 2023. The political future of the three people did not it has been affected at all, and there is no trace of the ship. “

▲ Li Zhenghao predicted that the DPP could punish the three lawmakers for “suspending power for two years.” (New Taiwan data / replay system, come on)

Since the DPP caucus had already decided before the vote, if any party legislator deviated from the vote, party disciplinary action would be imposed. The DPP caucus, Ke Jianming, was interviewed today on this matter. He said we had a caucus meeting before voting yesterday. At the meeting, it was said that the party and the caucus should be unanimous, “I am sorry to my colleagues who do not agree with the party caucus, we will definitely send it to the disciplinary committee to deal with it.” As for the disciplinary committee, how to deal with it? Ke Jianming said that the discussion will be sent back to the party caucus meeting in the future, just follow the procedure.

Zheng Yunpeng, general secretary of the DPP caucus, also pointed out that the caucus has the discipline of the caucus.If you lose tickets, they will be sent to the disciplinary team for processing and, if necessary, they will be sent to the Party Central Committee for processing. Regarding Liu Jianguo’s saying “I hope to have different voices,” Zheng Yunpeng believes that he respects the speeches of individual committee members, but political parties have unanimous views and parties around the world are the same.

Zhuang Ruixiong, secretary of the Democratic Progressive Party caucus, explained that this was originally something that those in power had to face. Regarding Liu Jianguo’s saying “I hope to have different voices”, he believed that Liu Jianguo might not be a pressure on the industry, but it could be about food safety. Different points of view, but the caucus has the decision of the caucus.
