See her boyfriend “thrifty and reliable” and got married! Receipt fell apart after I got married: I was wrong | New | NOWnews Today News


See your boyfriend who is “thrifty and trustworthy” and got married! Receipt collapsed after I got married: I was wrong | New | NOWnews Today News

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Editorial Center / General Report

2020-12-31 13:54:25

▲ The father-in-law had eaten the garlic from the bento at noon and made
▲ Some netizens decided to get married because of their husband’s frugality and trustworthiness. Unexpectedly, her first trip after marriage made her want to divorce. (Schematic / Obtained from Pixabay)

When in a relationship, it is important for both lovers to reach a consensus on the money spent. Recently, a netizen complained that she had been dating her boyfriend for over a year, and finally decided to enter the auditorium due to her graceful and trustworthy character. Unexpectedly, they went out to play together after the marriage, but suddenly received an order when he got home. I was so angry that I cried on the spot and even hesitated to get a divorce. The post also sparked a heated discussion.

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The original PO stated on “Kaobei Marriage” that she and her husband had been dating for over a year. Due to the elegant and trustworthy character of the other party, he decided to enter the auditorium and spend his life together, but because the two of them were busy with work, they did not have time to spend together after marriage. During a trip recently, I finally left my vacation. I went walking to other counties and cities. I did not expect to return home after the holidays, but suddenly I received a communication. The original PO took a closer look and found that all the excursion expenses were listed above. Then the husband asked for “a person and a half” and said in a dominating way, “I’ll pay for it.” I don’t want anything for you, do you want to make it so clear to me from now on? “

▲ When the original PO saw the detailed list, he was quite aggrieved.  (Schematic diagram, the characters in the picture have nothing to do with the content of the article / flipped of
▲ When the original PO saw the detailed list, he was quite aggrieved. (Schematic diagram, the characters in the image have nothing to do with the content of the article / Pixabay flipped)

Upset, she ran upstairs and cried for an hour. During this time, seeing that her husband did not come to comfort her, she could not help but feel frustrated, “Excuse me everyone, he is so stingy and does not care about me, should I continue with this marriage?” Netizens couldn’t help but explode after reading: “His frugal method is to ask his wife to pay together to save their money,” “You must remember that the money you save may not be used on you.” “Do you have children? If you don’t have children, get divorced. “

However, there are also netizens who believe that “the economy is better than extravagance from a different perspective”, “At first I thought it was very cheap, but now I think it is stingy”, “I think it is because of other people’s provinces , but now I’m scolding people for choosing “,” This face is slapped. It’s really swollen, isn’t it because of other people’s savings? “,” You are because of their savings and you scold him for his savings. Hello? ”(Editor: Xu Zhichao)

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