“Resident Evil 3 Remastered Edition” also has these changes-Technology News-Sina News Center


The T virus broke out holistically, and the city of raccoons was reduced to a “zombie city”. Jill, the S.T.A.R.S player, just woke up to a nightmare.

The quick phone call from her colleague made her unintelligible. In a trance, the wall was smashed with a loud thud. A huge fierce, powerful and fearsome giant biochemistry weapon was in front of her: the pursuer, here.

“Resident Evil 3 Remastered Edition” once again takes us to the city of raccoons on the brink of doomsday, save the citizens, investigate the truth and don’t forget the most important thing: this time, we escaped from the city of the raccoons with Jill.

“Grinding” the appearance, bright and beautiful

The old game enters the next generation, always going through a little pain and grinding. The mechanism of “pain” in the game needs to catch up with the trend of the generations. “Grinding” the appearance of the game should be bright and beautiful, like the first love that has not been seen in many years. Although the appearance is not the greenery of previous years, the charm of the gaze can still evoke the waves in your heart.

“Resident Evil 3 Remastered Edition” can be called a good reference for this type of game, just for the game’s appearance, it is enough to make the player’s heart. The image of “Resident Evil 2 Remastered Edition” has been incredible, this time the city of the raccoon is “a new level”.

In “Resident Evil 2 Remastered Edition”, we saw the magnificent police headquarters, the claustrophobic sewers and the excruciating laboratories. The concatenation of these scenes is just the tip of the iceberg in Raccoon City. What exactly is Raccoon City? In Gil’s adventure, we can see the complete image of the city.

▲ “Resident Evil 2 Remake” Police Station

Before the game’s release, a number of enthusiastic fans had made a high-definition screen patch for “Resident Evil 3”. Capcom naturally understands the player’s love for the raccoon city. Raccoon City in the remastered version has been quickly improved, no longer requiring the player’s infinite imagination and detailed brain supplements. The scenery along the way is enough for the player to sigh before the virus explodes. Beautiful

▲ Folk HD image patch

“Resident Evil 3 Remastered Edition” uses an improved RE engine this time. After two “Resident Evil” and a development of “Devil May Cry”, the game team feels more comfortable with the use of the engine, and also made “Resident Evil 3 Remastered Edition” with further improvement.

Thanks to the improved lighting effects of new technology, the light distribution in the game is naturally sharp, and the reflection of light under the physical calculation and the details of the edge halo are processed, and the city “lives” .

▲ Exquisite original painting design

At the beginning of the plot where Gil meets Bled, the city’s neon lights are pleasing to the eye, whether it’s the frequent flashing lights in the distance, the reflectors off after the body tide, the impact of the fires. after the explosion of the oil barrel, the reflection of rain on the road and the chaos of the city. The atmosphere of crisis and tension was maximized, making Gil plunge further into his escape and experience the crisis in the dizzying light.

The colorful streets and the end of the world crisis are a contrast, whether light or dark inside, continuous flashes, billboards, messy construction sites, tell players the story of what happened now or ever.

The strong feeling of immersion is also attributed to the improvement of the image details: the realistic and delicate textures and the shadows of the objects make the city of the raccoon where Jill is located not only the city of zombies in print , but the true prosperous city.

This is most evident at the hospital level: Stains on the corridor floor and wall, under the green light of emergency lighting, add a layer of horror. The realism of life-saving medical accessories and stretchers in the runner causes players to enter it. The illusion of “this is the real hospital”, when the zombies hiding in the shadows suddenly strike, the true fear of the players to the hospital in the real world, and the urban legends listen, a panic arises, turning and fleeing.

Raccoon City itself is not great. The adventures of the players focus mainly on various scenes. The houses along the way are connected to each other. The back door of the store leads to the alley. The house goes through two doors and then returns to the other corner of the street. The new game scene further expands the infrastructure of Raccoon City. The metro station has been transformed into an important place for the new version. The atmosphere of the substation is more suppressed. What is waiting for Jill and the players is malicious.

Under the blessing of the RE engine, the countless player goddess Gil is handsome and beautiful, the male hero Carlos is handsome and handsome, and good looks are not enough. The subtle expression in the plot is an extra point for this new version of the characters. Jill’s expression in different situations is more accurate than the thousand-word description. The first two times, he faced Nikola’s provocation. Jill’s disdain and anger toward Nikola were expressed in close-ups of the face.

▲ Gill: “Hehe”

“Grinding” appearance, bright and beautiful, “Resident Evil 3 Remastered Edition” for the new version of the raccoon city, the performance of the characters in the play can be called the best works, the vivid raccoon city and the enchanting Gil, just enough to let players take control and relive the classics of the past.

“Pain” in the mechanism, undecided

As it was an old game 21 years ago, “Resident Evil 3” was a series of semi-transformed works at the time. The addition of avoidance skills brought stronger action attributes, and the escape from the hall experience brought a stronger linear plot. , “Resident Evil 3” is like a sophisticated Hollywood zombie action-adventure flick: a short and elaborate process, the thrill of chasing the pursuer, the contradiction between Super Police Gil and his partner Carlos, “cool” and “scary “coexist.

This time, “Resident Evil 3 Remastered Edition” highlights a “cool” experience: great performance, great shooting, great flow and some scenes that once wanted to play “Survival Road”. What is the mechanism of “Resident Evil 3 Remastered Edition”? It is more appropriate to describe it as “undecided”. The tension and sense of survival created at the beginning will go further and further on the “Wu Shuang” journey in the later period. It is hard to imagine that this will appear in a game at the same time.

The hunter is the classic Boss created by Resident Evil 3. Like the previous tyrant, the hunter has always played the assassin in the game, chasing Jill to the end of the world, fierce, cruel, burly, the hunter is the embodiment of death, because With more intelligence, the cost of playing with it may be to start again from the control point.

Initially, the game gave the hunter super long lens performance, breaking the wall with his hand, hitting Superman and taking a leisurely pace, giving players the same helplessness and panic as Jill. The hunter is almost invincible in the first stage of the game. Jill is almost half disabled and can be easily grabbed by the tentacles from a distance. Even if you are hiding in the house, the second second is the hunter’s broken wall. In the early days of the lack of bullets and power, running was the only option to deal with it.

However, this sense of oppression didn’t last long, and players soon discovered the invincibility of another action system in the game. The “Perfect Evasion” added to the remastered version is a super improved version of the original evasion system. After shooting, gain invincibility time. The shot after rising will quickly target the enemy’s weak point to defend itself. The trigger condition of “Perfect Evasion” is more relaxed. It is not difficult to operate to avoid the zombie bite after a little familiarity. It can be used without problems in the first three difficulties.

▲ “Perfect Dodge” to avoid attacks

Increased action allows the game to have a new way of playing. Players no longer need to be scared by zombie harassment, even powerful enemies like hunters can use it, and Carlos’ “Perfect Evasion” is more exaggerated. With a single hit, the zombies hit can’t find the direction, and the power is comparable to boxing king.

▲ “One-Punch Man” Carlos

After being proficient in “Perfect Evasion”, “Resident Evil 3 Remastered Edition” gradually evolved from cautiously avoiding survival to a bold and defensive counterattack. Ordinary or even expert difficulty can play tricks on zombies. Refreshing from the action scene is not enough. The game also provides players with many herbs and ammunition supplies. Before the enemy, the first thing I think about is not to calculate the damage step by step, but to quickly fire the weapon to obtain the high-power bullets that cannot be taken, and give up the ordinary difficulty. It is not uncommon for herbs to collect ammunition.

▲ Come on, baby, eat my 30 round grenade launcher!

“Perfect Evasion” and ample supply of ammunition make the “Resident Evil 3 Remastered” battle stand out, emphasizing action commentary and explosive shooting, rather than following “Super Police” Jill to escape the city of raccoons, it is better to say Follow Gil down to eliminate the zombies. The battle is updated and the game progresses through the plot through a plethora of performances. It is compact and exciting, which increases the adrenaline.

▲ The pursuers warmly invited to the rooftop barbecue

This is very obvious in the appearance of the pursuer. The pursuer’s human form is powerful and dominant every time he plays, and the weapon comes down from the sky. “When the road saw Jill roar, she should shoot when she shot.” Flame spray, rocket exploded, fist The hammer chest, the consequence of Jill’s confrontation, bombed the bridge or bombed the car, pushing the player to despair in explosion after explosion.

▲ “Did you see Jill, is this the new outfit Lord bought?”

▲ “My hunter is the king of the train”

The performance is great, but the rhythm of the game makes the game process have a clear tear: the early search of the game search is full of courage, and in the intermediate and later stages, the rhythm of the game gradually accelerates, The long-term quest to release the pressure of early modeling gradually disappears. When the pursuer was reduced to Boss, the player already had enough ammunition and could not wait to compete with him. However, Boss’s battle of the hunter animal form is simple and straightforward, and the behavior is quite “Monster Hunter” and “Spider-Man”. “The feeling, just bombard it.

▲ “The greater the skill, the greater the responsibility”

“The performance is great, the filming is great, the process is great”, the process of “Resident Evil 3 Remastered Edition” is almost a line, the decryption link in the original game is basically removed, the type of “Resident Evil 2 Remastered Edition “while deciphering while listening The sense of tension approaching the tyrant no longer exists. Replacement is the stimulus of speed and speed.

In the process, the game’s classic scenes change, items like the clock tower and park in the original game are canceled, and the plot is also changed twice. Adding drama also eliminates multiple ending options from the original game.

▲ One of the few decrypted, but it is extremely simple

The plot of “Resident Evil 3 Remastered Edition” begins the day before the second generation of the series. After the second generation, the player can discover many second generation eggs in the game. When Carlos entered the police station in Raccoon City, “Welcome. The ‘Lyon’ tape is still hanging on the wall, and Carlos’s casual vomiting is sure to make the old players smile, and the rush and panic that Lyon entered. at the police station for the first time comes to mind.

What is the mechanism of “Resident Evil 3 Remastered Edition”? This is difficult to describe in a sentence. The production team wanted to increase oppression and fear of the pursuer, and made allowances for actions and resources in the game, which made the before and after experience a bit contradictory. The long process of “Resident Evil 3” has been shortened, and after customs clearance, I always feel that the meaning is still not enough.

The removal of the old scene, the addition of the new system, the removal of the mercenary mode and the powerful accessories provided by the store have made many players who love the challenge unsatisfied, and the enormous difficulty after the nightmare is more confusing.

▲ The store can change the appearance of the first generation

“Resident Evil 3 Remastered Edition” is still a good remake worth playing, but it’s no longer the one he originally remembered: “The Beauty of Water” Gil is still the goddess of thousands of players, the pursuers are still The Brutality and the ferocity, the new image quality is shocking, the game is vigorous and refreshing, the “Endurance Plan” is worth trying in multiplayer, but the body of “Resident Evil” lacks sincerity.

First love is beautiful, but you are no longer that young man, regret can be a better memory, leave a sigh and embrace the future.
